Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New Foundation of LOVE

"Love never gives up, never loses faith,
is always hopeful, and endures through
every circumstance." 
~1 Corinthians 13:7~ 

Dear Friends,   

I know it is hard to believe one person's love and reaction to the ruins of relationships will help rebuild our broken society, but it's TRUE. Our God can and will rebuild a beautiful life out of any broken heart willing to make a change. He will use one sacrificial choice, one act of forgiveness, one sincere repentant heart, and one woman who is willing to step out in faith and start rebuilding with love. 
I don't know where you stand today with the man you love or loved-or if you are single, divorced, separated, or widowed-but would you consider taking a step of faith with me and begin building a new foundation of love? I have discovered that healing begins and hope is restored when you and I use our pain to bring change and allow God to show us a picture bigger than our own desires...I hope your answer is YES. 

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