Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Talk is cheap-Walk the talk

Mark 14
v.13 But he said emphatically, " If I must die with you, I will not deny you." And they all said the same.
v.50 And they all left Him and fled.

Talk is cheap. Even Jesus's disciples proved it.
This is the story before Jesus was arrested. A few hours EARLIER all the disciples had said they would rather die than denying the Lord. A few hours LATER, however, they all scattered!

As I was reading this chapter I told myself- really talk is so cheap!
Us-nowadays- very easy to say we are devoted to Christ and will never denying Him-like what the disciples said.
Yet when trials come- are we still with what we said earlier?
When we meet someone that we think he/she is our soul mate even though he/she is not a believer- easily we sold our faith and denying God.
When we get the superb job offer that requires us to deny Jesus- easily we sell our faith. (I wonder how much our faith is). My question- HOW STRONG IS YOUR FAITH?

The Bible said, faith without action is dead (James 2:17). The same thing with our talk. WALK THE TALK bah!

If we claim that we love Jesus but we never live the life that honor God- it proves that we don't love Him> Talk is cheap.Walk the talk.

If we claim that we are Christ true follower yet we never have the effort to spend quality time with God-praying and meditating His Word day and night- again we are just not the true follower> Talk is cheap. Walk the talk.

If we claim we are serving Him with all our heart but never really preparing ourselves before serving-too busy in ministry until we neglected time with God-we are not serving Him indeed just showing off that we able to do so called christian good work. > Talk is cheap. Walk the talk.

If we claim that we are different from this world yet the way we live out our life- just like how the nonbelievers did-we were the same as them! > Talk is cheap. Walk the talk.

If we claim that we are living holy good lifestyle as what God command us to live holy because He is holy- yet the way we run our relationship, our speech and action just the same as the people who don't know God- it proves that we aren't. > Talk is cheap. Walk the talk.

Strong reminder from Daddy for me and each of us.
Last Sunday Pastor Hendrik shared about "Kristian Sejati" "The True Christian".
When we claim we are the true Christian but never have the deep relationship with God- we are not..ouch! sakit kan.
Seorang murid Kristus dikenal dari buahnya.
The true disciple of Christ known by its fruit. 

so yeah.Beloved..I am not perfect none of us. That is why we need God, we need Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit every moment to live in this dark world.Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). Without Him we are nothing.He is waiting for each of us to come back to Him. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)


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