Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Meet your fears with faith

Don’t Be Afraid 

By Max Lucado

“Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him,
‘Don’t be afraid; just believe.’ 
Mark 5:36

Sometimes what we need is just a word of encouragement, isn’t it?
And God gives a word—to the overwhelmed.  To the downcast.  To us. 
He urges, “Don’t’ be afraid; just believe.”
Believe that He can.  Believe that He cares.  Believe that He comes.
Mark it down.  You will never go where God is not.  You may be transferred, enlisted, commissioned, re-assigned, or hospitalized….But brand this truth on your heart—Jesus promised, “I am with you always.”  Don’t be afraid, just believe!
Make your fear a visitor and not a resident.  Hasn’t fear taken enough?  Enough smiles?  Enough restful nights?  Enough exuberant days?
Make it a day changer to meet your fears with faith.  Choose to make every day—a great day! 

The Voice of Heaven

My Beloved Princess,

I long to be closer to you and am never too busy for you, My beloved. If you will turn off the things around you that drown Me out of your daily life, you will begin to hear Me in your spirit. When you don't know where to go, you will hear Me give you divine direction. When you are in need of a friend, you will hear Me whisper, "I am here." When you need comfort, you will hear Me call to you, "Come to Me." Don't let your agenda distract you from time with Me. Quiet your spirit. Know that I am your heavenly Father and you are My precious daughter-and I love when you crave time to be still with Me.

Your King and the Voice of heaven 

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."
~John 10:27 NLT~ 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

again commitment

2012 was not an easy year for me with more responsibility. I need more wisdom to manage my time-really! I shouldn't repeat my mistakes last semester of being so busy without really manage my time table properly. I blame myself many times but yet as what Sis Kim Cheng told us during CPR..We are very good in blaming our self but God is forgiving God. True! When I didn’t do good with my studies and my other tasks I fully blame myself. It’s my fault! But i learn to forgive my self and come to God and ask Him what He really wants me to change and do :)

As what we learn in church today we can’t change what happened in the past but we can change what happen next. This is my second week of semester…with tough schedules than before I told Daddy to take control. I don’t want to do the same like last semester instead I want to do the best for this resolution??? Hahahah kind of kot..its all about my commitment to Daddy. No matter what tasks given to me I know Daddy wants me to give my best. I learn to really depending on Daddy in every single work I do. I can’t work with my own self..I need Daddy..we all need Him and His guidance.
Simple but serious hahaha(serious laugh)..let us learn to commit even the small thing in our life into God’s hand. Let Him work and teach us to obey Him more.

* This is one of the new song that I always listen to recently. Sung by Leo from Mahanaim ministry

Jangan Biarkan Aku Pergi

Ampuni semua kesombonganku
Ampuni semua kedaginganku
dan bawa aku mendekat
ke hadapan tahtaMu

Ampuni aku yang tak peduli
akan kerinduan di hati Mu
Tuhanku bawa aku kembali
tarik ku lebih dekat lagi

jangan biarkan aku pergi
jangan biarkan aku berlari
menjauh dari tahta kasih karunia yang Kau beri

Tanamlah aku di hadiratMu
meteraikanku dalam hatiMu
di hadiratMu
di hadapanMu
di pelukanMu
itulah hidupku

Basuh keletihanku
sentuh kebekuanku
pulihkan tubuh, jiwa juga rohku

Habiskan kedaginganku
mimpiMu jadi mimpiku
di hadapan tahtaMu kuberseru….

Thursday, February 9, 2012

God heals!

Today is my 15th day with my part time job...having fun and my Myanmar language much better now until one of my colleague thought that I am from Myanmar lol :P.
 Really the joy of the Lord is always there within us :)

O ya let me ask you something. Have any of you experience brokenhearted before?

hahha yeah and as I remember the first time I experienced it I cried for maybe 2 minutes (not really crying hahah) then the next day me and my best friend went out for movie hahha. is brokenherted very easy to be healed? I am not sure but as for me it sometimes takes years to be heal and some only take minutes to be healed. why brokenhearted? frustrated? maybe yes.

The reason why I get brokenhearted was when I get to know something that is not what I wanted to hear about or know one likes brokenhearted right. I hate it and I don't like it so much! Crying? I don't like crying for those silly stuff (betul ka lol)..I rather find other solution. Like today...the first thing I did was..I texted my good friend and tell her my so called sad story then after that I find bible verse for brokenhearted... and I found this:

Being honest this is not the first time I read this verse but as I read it again and again just now..really God is my Miracle! I don't have to stay with the silly stuff that broke my heart but instead look upon God who cares for me and each one of you.

Beloved.. I am not a super woman who can stand all the bad things happened in my life. but one thing I am sure I am able to stand until now because of Him-My Jesus My Daddy and My Lord. When my heart being hurt and I faced terrible situation I choose to look upon Him. Life maybe hurting but God heals! Yes He did! So don't let the bad things conquer your joyful in Him :)

Thanks Daddy for the strength and the healing that You've given me. When I failed again and again and my heart hurt badly You are the One who there for Healer. Thanks for the people around me. I love You Daddy!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Rebuilding What is Broken

My Princess Warrior,

Don't be overwhelmed by the brokenness you see all around you. I will give you a heart to look to the future with hope and the tools to restore and rebuild what is broken. I am the same God who gave Nehemiah the strength and favor to rebuild the broken walls of Jerusalem, and I will give you the power and strength to do the same.

All I am asking of you today is to begin a good work by laying one stone at a time. 
Rebuild broken hearts with words of hope. 
Rebuild broken relationships with forgiveness, grace, and love. 
Rebuild broken cities by serving the community.
 I will go before you and prepare the people for your good works.

Your King, the Master Builder

"But now I said to them, "You know very well what trouble we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by fire. Let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and end this disgrace!"
~Nehemiah 2:17~