Thursday, February 9, 2012

God heals!

Today is my 15th day with my part time job...having fun and my Myanmar language much better now until one of my colleague thought that I am from Myanmar lol :P.
 Really the joy of the Lord is always there within us :)

O ya let me ask you something. Have any of you experience brokenhearted before?

hahha yeah and as I remember the first time I experienced it I cried for maybe 2 minutes (not really crying hahah) then the next day me and my best friend went out for movie hahha. is brokenherted very easy to be healed? I am not sure but as for me it sometimes takes years to be heal and some only take minutes to be healed. why brokenhearted? frustrated? maybe yes.

The reason why I get brokenhearted was when I get to know something that is not what I wanted to hear about or know one likes brokenhearted right. I hate it and I don't like it so much! Crying? I don't like crying for those silly stuff (betul ka lol)..I rather find other solution. Like today...the first thing I did was..I texted my good friend and tell her my so called sad story then after that I find bible verse for brokenhearted... and I found this:

Being honest this is not the first time I read this verse but as I read it again and again just now..really God is my Miracle! I don't have to stay with the silly stuff that broke my heart but instead look upon God who cares for me and each one of you.

Beloved.. I am not a super woman who can stand all the bad things happened in my life. but one thing I am sure I am able to stand until now because of Him-My Jesus My Daddy and My Lord. When my heart being hurt and I faced terrible situation I choose to look upon Him. Life maybe hurting but God heals! Yes He did! So don't let the bad things conquer your joyful in Him :)

Thanks Daddy for the strength and the healing that You've given me. When I failed again and again and my heart hurt badly You are the One who there for Healer. Thanks for the people around me. I love You Daddy!!

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