Thursday, November 11, 2010


Last week there is a lot things happen in my life when God really tested my obedience towards Him. When I have nothing and He said to me, "Nernny just go..I will go with you and provide", I made commitment to listen and obey. Yes He always with me!

We had our Champion Gathering (CG) as well on last Friday. For the past 8months after I attended CG as an Anak Bina, God is so faithful to me to stay with Him until now,Thank You Jesus.God healed and restore my soul during CG when I was Anak Bina and He did the same thing for me last Friday. We learned 5 topics..
1.Memiliki hati Bapa
2.Memiliki hati yang benar
3.Memiliki hati yang merdeka
4.Memiliki hati yang penuh Roh Kudus
5.Memiliki hati dan tubuh yang sihat
the same topics during my time as an Anak Bina but yes God is always new every morning right :).God showed me new thing which really break my heart,my ego that I always ignored.

This is the story, when I was Anak Bina during CG, God reminded me about forgiving my parents. I told God we are okey..I have no problem with papa and mama.Yet the Holy Spirirt just showed me one by one the things that actually left bitternes in my heart. I forgot them yet never means the bitterness still in my herat!But I didn't call up my parents because I was so scared to that. What will my parents think suddenly I ask forgiveness from I just leave it...
last Friday the Holy Spirit reminded me again about my unsolved problem with m parents..and now more clear and specific.Let me tell you something about my parents. Since young I never have problem with my basically our relationship moved smoothly. I heard people saying when you have problem especially with your father, its difficult to see God as a Father because of our biological father's figure.I am not that close with papa..and it makes me turn to God and call Him as my perfect Father. What is the problem here? there is..I call God as my perfect Father but at the same time I can't accept papa as my father because he is just not a perfect father for me.yeah papa is not God but I ignored him in my life.I am closer with mama compared with papa. you know there is one time I ever thought that its ok to have no papa besides me because I have Perfect Father my God...i should just put my name Nernny Jesus instead of Nernny Kansuh...but God knows that is very wrong because God is love.His wants us to love one another..and what am I doing with my papa????instead of accepting him...I ignored him!

I read this verse;
"He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers"
Malachi 4:6

During that session in CG I cried a lot..I told God "sorry for treating papa so badly..forgive me" and God asked me to call papa and ask forgiveness...and actually because I have no strength to do that I postponed until Monday. I scared if I cried when I call papa..embarrassing bah hahah.The Holy Spirit is my Good Reminder all the time until I called papa.I called papa first but they were having dinner so I said I will return call later. and the second time I call I didn't call papa but I call mama haha. I talked with mama and also ask forgiveness from her and release forgiveness as here it goes..I asked mama to pass the phone to papa. I really don't know what to say..and yeah the words come out from my mouth..
"Papa,saya mau minta maaf ni semua salah silap saya. Saya pun mau kasi maaf kau. O ya ada lagi..SAYA SAYANG KAU!"
It was very short conversation with papa but I tell you the joy within me was indescribable!..I felt so happy and if can I want to go back that moment and hug papa and mama.and that was my first time to tell papa and mama "SAYA SAYANG KAU!"...I felt so free and no burden in my heart anymore..i sms my frinds to tell them how happy am I..

Saya Sayang Papa dan Mama saya:)

Friends..I don't know what is the condition between you and your parents..maybe your siblings..but as I choose to obey and trust God..I urge you to do the same thing. Do not postponed it until it too late..CHOOSE TO FORGIVE AND FORGET!
I love this statement during CG;
"KEPAHITAN adalah PILIHAN dan Keputusan kita sendiri dan bukan kerana akibat situasi atau korban perbuatan orang lain.TETAPI PENGAMPUNAN adalah PERINTAH TUHAN dan bukannya pilihan.Setiap kali anda disakiti oleh orang lain,terus buang kepahitan itu. Jangan biarkan kepahitan itu berakar di dalam hati anda...pilihlah untuk MENGAMPUNI!"

So forgive...its not easy to do but its worth!so choose to FORGIVE today!


Mizzesztergrace said...

admire ur bravery =D

RuR@n said...

waaahhh...nernny...ini pula cerita dia...thanks for ur great testimony...God's work is really amazing...Be blessed~!!! =)

suffix said...

wow... God Blessing You