I am 22 years old this year and another 1day I have to say good bye to my lovely number 22. Actually I don't really like number 23..but do not know why haha.
I just want to thank God this wonderful year-full of surprises, my year of healing and restoration,my lovely year. Year 2010 is the best year at this moment. Many things happen that i don't expect but God allowed that to happen my own good. Some happy and yeah at the other side its hurtful.
even sometimes I was so tempted to come back to the old bad lifestyle but the Holy Spirit keep on reminding me to stand firm and not turning back.
I just can't believe that I start it again to give commitment. A bit scared of failure but I just go on..yet it was my happiest month ever haha!
Yeah I almost giving up..so early huh?
but Jeremiah 17:7 "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD "strengthen me and wake me up again :)
MARCH 2010
God healed me and restore my life and my soul back..Thank God for enable me to accept and forgive myself and others as well. Always remember "Keterbukaan adalah awal dari pemulihan"
APRIL 2010
I have my own plan in my head for my future even for my career. Even though I always said depend on God but actually I didn't really do. That was bad! So that month I was thinking so hard what I really really wanna to be and what I really wanna do in the future and thank God for changing my heart.Since that day I started to trust God to guide me in this journey and surrender my plan into His hand.
MAY 2010
I am in love hahahaha.yeah with sign language during my pre-practicum. That was very very memorable moment which I will never forget the rest of my life.Many things made me smile during this month..just so happy actually.
JUNE 2010
Dr.Chealsea reminded me again about my responsibilities upon this nation..wow am I the new Prime Minister.hahha I don't hope so..but my responsibility is to keep on praying for this nation until God sent His revival upon this nation. PRAY-GOD'S WORD-HIGH DISCIPLINE!
Something I almost wanna do but thank God for my friend who remind me.
"Don't start-Stop. Forget it and come back to the Lord". Thank You Jesus!
JULY 2010
Philippians 3:13,one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.
I tell the truth and thank God for accepting me for who I am.
Hahah finally for the first time I celebrated birthday with Sardine Cake haha. Thank to my Perkebians family for supporting me. Love you all!
I don't know but there is one time during that month I feel that I want to stop everything because I am so tired-very tired!But someone told me to stay strong because God doesn't want me to give up and for the people around me.
Have you ever feel that you are being unloved by someone..that was what happened to me. Weirdo Nernny haha. But DADDY told me one thing that I should learn to appreciate the people around me no matter what they are doing..so yeah I just listen and do lah hehe. I have to learn to control my self and rely upon God..in other word-I NEED GOD MORE!
I think that month was the month of holiness hahha because God remain me not only through my devotion but also through my friends. I have to remain holy and pure especially in my relationship until the day come. Sometimes hard but I choose to surrender to God and not compromising!
God worked miraculous in my financial and yeah I learn to trust Him more and forgetting my other so called back up plan if God didn't answer my prayer haha. Not only that but God restored my relationship with one of my close friend where we actually having problem.
Hhahaha yeah i settle one of my problem for not forgiving my parents..and for the first time I call them and ask for forgiveness.remember :AKU SAYANG KAU"...that was awesome God!
Many things surprised me when God taught me many new things and bring me to many places and also meeting new people. I was amazed by God for giving me chance and courageous to all those things that happening. I made some decisions as well which quite hard for me but I think I just have to do that until the right time come. My friend ask me when but I answered her back that i don't know. I watch one movie last night and what really captured me was about commitment;Don't give your heart to anyone until you are ready for a commitment. Otherwise you will hurt that person or even yourself.
So yeah..I think that was what happen to me throughout this year. One thing I really wanna do in my spiritual journey is KEEP ON TRUSTING AND OBEYING GOD.
“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” (Isaiah 41:10)
So friends..keep moving and don't let fear stops you!
Jesus Loves You!!!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
CPR-NC-TEENSTREET-KUDAT hahahha awesome journey!
hohohohoho Merry Christmas everyone.yeah..finally I am back after 1 month break.
Second week after our semester break started we had CPR at Selangor dam..very nice place.
wonderful view!!!
hahah here we are 1 Family!
What we did during the CPR was discussing and also planning for this semester activities in PERKEB.During the CPR i learned one very special thing for me..START TO TRUST OTHERS AND DON'T CARRY YOUR BURDEN ALONE..being honest I am the type of person who very hard to ask help from others because for me my own need is not important compared to others..and because of that it makes me feel tired and sometimes lonely i guess hahah.yes I told God to give me strength but I don't really share to others about my burden..i put them all inside me.but during the CPR God really break my heart to appreciate and start trusting the people around me and share the burden with them. it was very different now when i say
"yes Lord i will trust them"
Now I realize that it was better when a group of God's people standing besides you..to carry your burdens and support you hahha.
After CPR I attended National Conference 2010 at Port Dickson.
So much U-turns i have to make actually after NC which i am not sure i will able to make it or not but one thing i believe is if i want to make different i have to allowed God to make changes in my life too!!that is why i have the courage to take a risk and make u-turn. i still remember what Sis Kim Cheng said during NC,
"When you say YES to God,be prepared to see His surprises!"
that's right..i don't know what will happen especially after i make some u-turns after this but i will still keep holding unto God's promises that He will never leave me alone.
after NC yeah hahha so many places i went during this semester break haha..i join Teenstreet at Miri for one week..i have to tell you this is the first camp i ever join which very creative and so much fun. it was different with the other camps i went before.maybe because the participants are mostly teenagers and they are crazy and awesome people hahah.
Even though i was a bit sick during that camp but i thank God for enables me finished that camp and learn something new.i learn something which for me very very important..it was NET..during Teenstreet we have our own Net group where we share, we support,we pray and learn together. and from there i started thinking who is in my Net group..and i started to write down some names which i really trust and close with me where i can share about everything..and yeah i put them in my Net group. for me Net group is very helpful in my spiritual growth where we have people who willing to pray and listen to you..
After Teenstreet i went back to my hometown and yeah fall sick for one week..very tired..super tired. i spent time with my family and also visited my ACF family as well. i miss them all and yeah i think my soul is still in Kudat now hahaha.
so yeah..when i looked back during the semester break i can see how God really blessed me with new friends and family..and yeah God is my very very GGOD FRIEND AND HERO..
Thank You Jesus for everything..I love You!
Second week after our semester break started we had CPR at Selangor dam..very nice place.
wonderful view!!!
hahah here we are 1 Family!
What we did during the CPR was discussing and also planning for this semester activities in PERKEB.During the CPR i learned one very special thing for me..START TO TRUST OTHERS AND DON'T CARRY YOUR BURDEN ALONE..being honest I am the type of person who very hard to ask help from others because for me my own need is not important compared to others..and because of that it makes me feel tired and sometimes lonely i guess hahah.yes I told God to give me strength but I don't really share to others about my burden..i put them all inside me.but during the CPR God really break my heart to appreciate and start trusting the people around me and share the burden with them. it was very different now when i say
"yes Lord i will trust them"
Now I realize that it was better when a group of God's people standing besides you..to carry your burdens and support you hahha.
After CPR I attended National Conference 2010 at Port Dickson.
So much U-turns i have to make actually after NC which i am not sure i will able to make it or not but one thing i believe is if i want to make different i have to allowed God to make changes in my life too!!that is why i have the courage to take a risk and make u-turn. i still remember what Sis Kim Cheng said during NC,
"When you say YES to God,be prepared to see His surprises!"
that's right..i don't know what will happen especially after i make some u-turns after this but i will still keep holding unto God's promises that He will never leave me alone.
after NC yeah hahha so many places i went during this semester break haha..i join Teenstreet at Miri for one week..i have to tell you this is the first camp i ever join which very creative and so much fun. it was different with the other camps i went before.maybe because the participants are mostly teenagers and they are crazy and awesome people hahah.
Even though i was a bit sick during that camp but i thank God for enables me finished that camp and learn something new.i learn something which for me very very important..it was NET..during Teenstreet we have our own Net group where we share, we support,we pray and learn together. and from there i started thinking who is in my Net group..and i started to write down some names which i really trust and close with me where i can share about everything..and yeah i put them in my Net group. for me Net group is very helpful in my spiritual growth where we have people who willing to pray and listen to you..
After Teenstreet i went back to my hometown and yeah fall sick for one week..very tired..super tired. i spent time with my family and also visited my ACF family as well. i miss them all and yeah i think my soul is still in Kudat now hahaha.
so yeah..when i looked back during the semester break i can see how God really blessed me with new friends and family..and yeah God is my very very GGOD FRIEND AND HERO..
Thank You Jesus for everything..I love You!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Last week there is a lot things happen in my life when God really tested my obedience towards Him. When I have nothing and He said to me, "Nernny just go..I will go with you and provide", I made commitment to listen and obey. Yes He always with me!
We had our Champion Gathering (CG) as well on last Friday. For the past 8months after I attended CG as an Anak Bina, God is so faithful to me to stay with Him until now,Thank You Jesus.God healed and restore my soul during CG when I was Anak Bina and He did the same thing for me last Friday. We learned 5 topics..
1.Memiliki hati Bapa
2.Memiliki hati yang benar
3.Memiliki hati yang merdeka
4.Memiliki hati yang penuh Roh Kudus
5.Memiliki hati dan tubuh yang sihat
the same topics during my time as an Anak Bina but yes God is always new every morning right :).God showed me new thing which really break my heart,my ego that I always ignored.
This is the story, when I was Anak Bina during CG, God reminded me about forgiving my parents. I told God we are okey..I have no problem with papa and mama.Yet the Holy Spirirt just showed me one by one the things that actually left bitternes in my heart. I forgot them yet never forgive...it means the bitterness still in my herat!But I didn't call up my parents because I was so scared to that. What will my parents think suddenly I ask forgiveness from them..so I just leave it...
last Friday the Holy Spirit reminded me again about my unsolved problem with m parents..and now more clear and specific.Let me tell you something about my parents. Since young I never have problem with my parents..so basically our relationship moved smoothly. I heard people saying when you have problem especially with your father, its difficult to see God as a Father because of our biological father's figure.I am not that close with papa..and it makes me turn to God and call Him as my perfect Father. What is the problem here? there is..I call God as my perfect Father but at the same time I can't accept papa as my father because he is just not a perfect father for me.yeah papa is not God but I ignored him in my life.I am closer with mama compared with papa. you know there is one time I ever thought that its ok to have no papa besides me because I have Perfect Father my God...i should just put my name Nernny Jesus instead of Nernny Kansuh...but God knows that is very wrong because God is love.His wants us to love one another..and what am I doing with my papa????instead of accepting him...I ignored him!
I read this verse;
"He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers"
Malachi 4:6
During that session in CG I cried a lot..I told God "sorry for treating papa so badly..forgive me" and God asked me to call papa and ask forgiveness...and actually because I have no strength to do that I postponed until Monday. I scared if I cried when I call papa..embarrassing bah hahah.The Holy Spirit is my Good Reminder all the time until I called papa.I called papa first but they were having dinner so I said I will return call later. and the second time I call I didn't call papa but I call mama haha. I talked with mama and also ask forgiveness from her and release forgiveness as well...and...now here it goes..I asked mama to pass the phone to papa. I really don't know what to say..and yeah the words come out from my mouth..
"Papa,saya mau minta maaf ni semua salah silap saya. Saya pun mau kasi maaf kau. O ya ada lagi..SAYA SAYANG KAU!"
It was very short conversation with papa but I tell you the joy within me was indescribable!..I felt so happy and if can I want to go back that moment and hug papa and mama.and that was my first time to tell papa and mama "SAYA SAYANG KAU!"...I felt so free and no burden in my heart anymore..i sms my frinds to tell them how happy am I..
Saya Sayang Papa dan Mama saya:)
Friends..I don't know what is the condition between you and your parents..maybe your siblings..but as I choose to obey and trust God..I urge you to do the same thing. Do not postponed it until it too late..CHOOSE TO FORGIVE AND FORGET!
I love this statement during CG;
"KEPAHITAN adalah PILIHAN dan Keputusan kita sendiri dan bukan kerana akibat situasi atau korban perbuatan orang lain.TETAPI PENGAMPUNAN adalah PERINTAH TUHAN dan bukannya pilihan.Setiap kali anda disakiti oleh orang lain,terus buang kepahitan itu. Jangan biarkan kepahitan itu berakar di dalam hati anda...pilihlah untuk MENGAMPUNI!"
So forgive...its not easy to do but its worth!so choose to FORGIVE today!
We had our Champion Gathering (CG) as well on last Friday. For the past 8months after I attended CG as an Anak Bina, God is so faithful to me to stay with Him until now,Thank You Jesus.God healed and restore my soul during CG when I was Anak Bina and He did the same thing for me last Friday. We learned 5 topics..
1.Memiliki hati Bapa
2.Memiliki hati yang benar
3.Memiliki hati yang merdeka
4.Memiliki hati yang penuh Roh Kudus
5.Memiliki hati dan tubuh yang sihat
the same topics during my time as an Anak Bina but yes God is always new every morning right :).God showed me new thing which really break my heart,my ego that I always ignored.
This is the story, when I was Anak Bina during CG, God reminded me about forgiving my parents. I told God we are okey..I have no problem with papa and mama.Yet the Holy Spirirt just showed me one by one the things that actually left bitternes in my heart. I forgot them yet never forgive...it means the bitterness still in my herat!But I didn't call up my parents because I was so scared to that. What will my parents think suddenly I ask forgiveness from them..so I just leave it...
last Friday the Holy Spirit reminded me again about my unsolved problem with m parents..and now more clear and specific.Let me tell you something about my parents. Since young I never have problem with my parents..so basically our relationship moved smoothly. I heard people saying when you have problem especially with your father, its difficult to see God as a Father because of our biological father's figure.I am not that close with papa..and it makes me turn to God and call Him as my perfect Father. What is the problem here? there is..I call God as my perfect Father but at the same time I can't accept papa as my father because he is just not a perfect father for me.yeah papa is not God but I ignored him in my life.I am closer with mama compared with papa. you know there is one time I ever thought that its ok to have no papa besides me because I have Perfect Father my God...i should just put my name Nernny Jesus instead of Nernny Kansuh...but God knows that is very wrong because God is love.His wants us to love one another..and what am I doing with my papa????instead of accepting him...I ignored him!
I read this verse;
"He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers"
Malachi 4:6
During that session in CG I cried a lot..I told God "sorry for treating papa so badly..forgive me" and God asked me to call papa and ask forgiveness...and actually because I have no strength to do that I postponed until Monday. I scared if I cried when I call papa..embarrassing bah hahah.The Holy Spirit is my Good Reminder all the time until I called papa.I called papa first but they were having dinner so I said I will return call later. and the second time I call I didn't call papa but I call mama haha. I talked with mama and also ask forgiveness from her and release forgiveness as well...and...now here it goes..I asked mama to pass the phone to papa. I really don't know what to say..and yeah the words come out from my mouth..
"Papa,saya mau minta maaf ni semua salah silap saya. Saya pun mau kasi maaf kau. O ya ada lagi..SAYA SAYANG KAU!"
It was very short conversation with papa but I tell you the joy within me was indescribable!..I felt so happy and if can I want to go back that moment and hug papa and mama.and that was my first time to tell papa and mama "SAYA SAYANG KAU!"...I felt so free and no burden in my heart anymore..i sms my frinds to tell them how happy am I..
Saya Sayang Papa dan Mama saya:)
Friends..I don't know what is the condition between you and your parents..maybe your siblings..but as I choose to obey and trust God..I urge you to do the same thing. Do not postponed it until it too late..CHOOSE TO FORGIVE AND FORGET!
I love this statement during CG;
"KEPAHITAN adalah PILIHAN dan Keputusan kita sendiri dan bukan kerana akibat situasi atau korban perbuatan orang lain.TETAPI PENGAMPUNAN adalah PERINTAH TUHAN dan bukannya pilihan.Setiap kali anda disakiti oleh orang lain,terus buang kepahitan itu. Jangan biarkan kepahitan itu berakar di dalam hati anda...pilihlah untuk MENGAMPUNI!"
So forgive...its not easy to do but its worth!so choose to FORGIVE today!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Be Careful
“Be careful..Take good care ya :)”
I like to use this in my last conversation even when I am texting my friend. Ya be careful..its common right. Every time when I am talking with my nonbelievers friend I have to be careful with my words..When I am surfing the internet I have to be careful with the site that I shouldn’t look at..i have to be careful in my relationship..I have to be careful with my life as well..It’s like most of the time we have be careful right.
This morning God reminded me something about BE CAREFUL.I read:
Joshua 23:6,11
"Be very strong; be careful to obey…So be very careful to love the LORD your God"
I asked God what actually I have to be careful. I think my life now is doing well..I feel great. Yet the Holy Spirit keep on telling to BE CAREFUL. Huh..am I in danger God? There are three things I have to be careful:
1. Be very Strong
I was telling God, “I think I am strong God.So what is wrong?”
God reminded me again,
Proverb 3:5. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Hahha 1-0 Nernny. You think you are strong enough..you are not. So I said..”OK Lord sorry. I am nothing without You.”
There is a lot will happened in the future even today and next which I wouldn’t know what that is. But God reminds me today to BE STRONG in HIM. In the midst of bad situation and trouble..Remain strong for the joy of the Lord is my strength! It is easy to say be strong but this few weeks God really test my faith..test that made me really depending on God and made me realize how weak am I without God. So whatever happen today and next..remember BE STRONG. BE CAREFUL that you do not lean on your own strength or others strength but God alone
2. Be careful to obey
I ask my self. “Am I obedient enough to God?..erm..I don’t think so. Being honest I always failed to obey God because of my anxiety but I learn a lot to obey Him. To follow His commands and not to turn away but FOCUS ON HIM AND OBEY HIM..always my situation and my weaknesses stop me to obey Him..but God reminds me again and again..OBEY ME! JUST OBEY ME! So I told God..ok Lord..I will obey You..really obeying You. YES LORD..I WILL OBEY!
3. Be VERY Careful to love God
Hahahahhaha I love God with all my heart really. But why God reminded me to BE VERY CAREFUL TO LOVE HIM? And the Holy Spirit starts to reveal one by one…
“My dear Nernny,
Do you really love your God?
Do you really love your God?
Do you really love your God?
Do you really love your God?
Do you really love your God?
Do you really love your God?
Sound familiar huh? And slowly the true answer came..
“My dear Lord.
Yes I really love You because…
I want Your blessings
I want to live prosper than others
I want to have what You have
Apuuuuuu..what a wrong intention I had…I love God with wrong intention ..with hidden reason..for my own pleasure! Shame on me:(
So the Holy Spirit again telling me…
So remember the three things you have to BE VERY CAREFUL Nernny
Just look through this song..it spoke to me as I also reminded myself to BE VERY CAREFUL...
Hillsong United - Desert Song
This is my prayer in the desert
When all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides
This is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flame
I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain
I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
This is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on its way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favour and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've received I will sow
I like to use this in my last conversation even when I am texting my friend. Ya be careful..its common right. Every time when I am talking with my nonbelievers friend I have to be careful with my words..When I am surfing the internet I have to be careful with the site that I shouldn’t look at..i have to be careful in my relationship..I have to be careful with my life as well..It’s like most of the time we have be careful right.
This morning God reminded me something about BE CAREFUL.I read:
Joshua 23:6,11
"Be very strong; be careful to obey…So be very careful to love the LORD your God"
I asked God what actually I have to be careful. I think my life now is doing well..I feel great. Yet the Holy Spirit keep on telling to BE CAREFUL. Huh..am I in danger God? There are three things I have to be careful:
1. Be very Strong
I was telling God, “I think I am strong God.So what is wrong?”
God reminded me again,
Proverb 3:5. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Hahha 1-0 Nernny. You think you are strong enough..you are not. So I said..”OK Lord sorry. I am nothing without You.”
There is a lot will happened in the future even today and next which I wouldn’t know what that is. But God reminds me today to BE STRONG in HIM. In the midst of bad situation and trouble..Remain strong for the joy of the Lord is my strength! It is easy to say be strong but this few weeks God really test my faith..test that made me really depending on God and made me realize how weak am I without God. So whatever happen today and next..remember BE STRONG. BE CAREFUL that you do not lean on your own strength or others strength but God alone
2. Be careful to obey
I ask my self. “Am I obedient enough to God?..erm..I don’t think so. Being honest I always failed to obey God because of my anxiety but I learn a lot to obey Him. To follow His commands and not to turn away but FOCUS ON HIM AND OBEY HIM..always my situation and my weaknesses stop me to obey Him..but God reminds me again and again..OBEY ME! JUST OBEY ME! So I told God..ok Lord..I will obey You..really obeying You. YES LORD..I WILL OBEY!
3. Be VERY Careful to love God
Hahahahhaha I love God with all my heart really. But why God reminded me to BE VERY CAREFUL TO LOVE HIM? And the Holy Spirit starts to reveal one by one…
“My dear Nernny,
Do you really love your God?
Do you really love your God?
Do you really love your God?
Do you really love your God?
Do you really love your God?
Do you really love your God?
Sound familiar huh? And slowly the true answer came..
“My dear Lord.
Yes I really love You because…
I want Your blessings
I want to live prosper than others
I want to have what You have
Apuuuuuu..what a wrong intention I had…I love God with wrong intention ..with hidden reason..for my own pleasure! Shame on me:(
So the Holy Spirit again telling me…
So remember the three things you have to BE VERY CAREFUL Nernny
Just look through this song..it spoke to me as I also reminded myself to BE VERY CAREFUL...
Hillsong United - Desert Song
This is my prayer in the desert
When all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides
This is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flame
I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain
I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
This is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on its way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favour and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've received I will sow
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
My Beloved,
TRUST in the Lord
DELIGHT yourself in the Lord
COMMIT your way to the Lord
BE STILL before the Lord
KEEP His way!
Halleluyah! Halleluyah!
GOD is my STRONGHOLD in the time of trouble
all the best for exam everyone and have a blessed day!!
TRUST in the Lord
DELIGHT yourself in the Lord
COMMIT your way to the Lord
BE STILL before the Lord
KEEP His way!
Halleluyah! Halleluyah!
GOD is my STRONGHOLD in the time of trouble
all the best for exam everyone and have a blessed day!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
When I choose to believe HIM

Hi everyone. These past two weeks, being honest it was my trouble week when I faced financial problem very badly. But out of that i learn a lot especially in TRUSTING GOD'S POWER.I did trust God..always but not 100% especially when it comes to my finance. I told God that I trust Him but yet i do my own effort to find the blessings or money by asking my siblings. Can you imagine just after i give big amount(for me hahha) of offerings during church, i'll smsing my sister or brother to bank in money for me.I know if God asked me to give the money i left for offerings He will bless me in return..but instead of trusting He will do that I do my own effort..you know why?because I scared God will not help me in right time.
But last two weeks..i made a commitment before God that I will trust Him 100%. During that time I left 8rgt with me on Monday.after bought my dinner i left 6rgt. and I received the new agreement from KUOK Fundation for my scholarship. I have to get witness signature from comissionary of oath or lawyer for my guarantors..which I have no idea where to get all that. so with the 6rgt i told God..
"help me,I want to trust YOU"
and praise the Lord Carol offered me to send me to the Pejabat Daerah Hulu Langat to get the sign but yet we didn't get any. so i came back to room and still have money for my dinner and left 3rgt.
I dont know how to settle the problem and during that time i left 3rgt with me.i have no other choice by sending all the documents back to my hometown and ask my sister settle it there. since it is my hometown so it easier to get signature from the Pejabat Daereh.and then..another problem come..my frind asks me to go out for dinner and i ony have 3rgt with for the whole week. by faith i said yes. and you know what we didn't go out for dinner because he invited us to had dinner at his house for FREE!!!!God is good right..
and now back to my scholarship documents.i left 3rgt and i have to send the document through pos ekspress and the price is 4.50rgt and i left 3rgt! i cried and try to ask my brother if he knew any lawyer to sign the agreement but his friend is also in Sabah.i told my brother that i want to send it back to my sister. he said fine..and i was so struggling should i tell him that i have not enough money. I remember i tell God, "Lord i want to tell my brother that i don't have enough money.please help me". so i told my brother and halleluyah he give me 50rgt.
50rgt..its that enough?actually i still have farewell for that weekend and after the farewell + my offering and tithe + train + taxi.....i left 10rgt with me.on the next day i left 3rgt after bought my dinner and print my notes. again i put the money i left on my table and tell God..
"Lord,i left this much for this week.i know You did miracle for me last week..and i want to believe in You for this week as well"
the next day we have prayer meeting in church and i am the worship leader (for the first time).i left 3rgt with me..and coins with me. so i was telling myself to not use the 3rgt for my dinner otherwise i have no money to go church. but yet during our macro teaching my coursemates was teaching about food and they give me the balance of the bread and cake to me..for FREE!!!God is good all the time..He gave me food when i don't have.Thank You Lord.
so yeah,i use the coins to pay my bus and God is so awesome that i can get my dinner for free and 1.50 supper.and left coins and the 2rgt notes with me.i still want to believe in God that i will wait and continue believing Him.the next day i ate my dinner for 2.50rgt. so it means i left 1.40 1ocents coins with me. its Friday..and i left 1.40 coins. I read this bible verse:
Matthew 6: 31-33
“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’.
These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.
Seek the Kingdom of God all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need"
God knew my needs..He knew i left 1.40 10cent coins.HE KNEW! so am i worried that time..yeah i am but yet i tell myself to hold on To God. and yeah i get my dinner that night for free again. see...how God work in our life in the the of trouble when we choose to believe His Power!..Praise the Lord!!
the story doesn't stop here..every weekend i have to go back to my brothers' house for our family prayer meeting.so how am i going there with the 1.40 10cents coins??it wouldn't be enough.so again i told God,
"Lord i still want to serve You in my family tomorrow.so i will ask my brother to fetch me from my hostel. Show me Your Mighty Power and make my brother says,yes"
the simple prayer a bit forcing God but yet He answered my prayer!my brother not just fetch me from my hostel but he also send me back and yeah give me money! HALLELUYAH.
is there anything that impossible in God?
"This is my vow that I made before God last week,:
" Dear Lord,
if You deliver me from this financial problem, I will use every money, every blessing and everything You give me to glorify Your Name and for Your Kingdom. I will give beyond my tithe, I will use the gift to bless Your ministry and continue to trust in You.amen"
I was tempted to not fulfill my vows that i made before God but the Holy Spirit keep on telling me..BE FAITHFUL AND GRATEFUL. and during that sunday service, Ps.Davis said in his sermon that
I was so bless with this statement from my church bulettin:
:Allah berusaha memberi dan memberi adalah caraNya Tuhan.Hidup dalam Tuhan berarti menjadi seorang pemberi.
"Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
(2Corinthian 9:6-7)"
So my friend, remember that we didn't own anything in this world. everything owned by God.so if you want the best from God..give Him the best..serve Him the best.everything must the best!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
He is concerned
I checked my e-mail today and one of my friend sent this e-mail. honestly i was so blessed with it. It touched my heart and encourage me to trust God more.
" Hi Sis Nernny,
It is so nice knowing a person like you. Thank you so much for your friendliness. I appreciate that. I do hope that you do have a fine evening today.
God has a lot instore for you. Keep your eyes focused on Him. While you are young, make it your priority to please the Lord. Ask Him to guide you in every decision you have to make. Since the day I chose to be obedient to Him, He has never failed me and He can do the same for you.. Trust me He will give you the joy to face every challenges in your life.
Nothing that happens to your life happens in isolation. God is ever watchful of you and He is concerned about every details of your live so give yourself to Him.
Love you and God bless."
" Hi Sis Nernny,
It is so nice knowing a person like you. Thank you so much for your friendliness. I appreciate that. I do hope that you do have a fine evening today.
God has a lot instore for you. Keep your eyes focused on Him. While you are young, make it your priority to please the Lord. Ask Him to guide you in every decision you have to make. Since the day I chose to be obedient to Him, He has never failed me and He can do the same for you.. Trust me He will give you the joy to face every challenges in your life.
Nothing that happens to your life happens in isolation. God is ever watchful of you and He is concerned about every details of your live so give yourself to Him.
Love you and God bless."
Call Upon ME
The Lord says:
"CALL UPON ME in the day of trouble;I will deliver and you shall glorify ME."
(Psalm 50:15)
Dear Lord,
I don't want to see how big is my problem,
or how much i have
or how difficult it to me
HELP ME TO CONTINUE TRUSTING YOU for the things that I can't see and even beyond my imagination.
"CALL UPON ME in the day of trouble;I will deliver and you shall glorify ME."
(Psalm 50:15)
Dear Lord,
I don't want to see how big is my problem,
or how much i have
or how difficult it to me
HELP ME TO CONTINUE TRUSTING YOU for the things that I can't see and even beyond my imagination.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I read this from Our Daily Bread Devotion and I am blessed with it.
"There is no greater help in our time of need than God. He alone can carry us through the trials and crises of life, and we have His word that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).
When crisis hits, we don’t have to stand alone. We have the right help. We can depend on God to be the greatest ally we could ever know. Lean on Him.
When a crisis looms before you,
Don’t face it on your own;
Seek advice from godly counsel,
And take it to God’s throne.
Our greatest hope here below is to get help from God above"
Halleluyah Amen!
"There is no greater help in our time of need than God. He alone can carry us through the trials and crises of life, and we have His word that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).
When crisis hits, we don’t have to stand alone. We have the right help. We can depend on God to be the greatest ally we could ever know. Lean on Him.
When a crisis looms before you,
Don’t face it on your own;
Seek advice from godly counsel,
And take it to God’s throne.
Our greatest hope here below is to get help from God above"
Halleluyah Amen!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Stand Firm and Trust

TRUST IN THE LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.
(Proverbs 3:5-7)
I read this verse last week but again this verse keep on playing on my head until now. Last Sunday Ps.David talked about "Perjanjian Berkat-Blessing Covenant". Do you know that we have Blessing Covenant with God signed by the Blood of Christ Jesus on the cross?what does this covenant talked about?
Ps.David gave us very wonderful definition on what is covenant:
"Perjanjian bermaksud KESEPAKATAN yang dibuat oleh kedua-dua pihak dan kedua-dua pihak BERSETUJU dengan syarat-syarat yang dibuat dengan memberi RESPON YANG BENAR.
Perjanjian berkat=Tuhan berjanji akan memberkati kita berkelimpahan tetapi dengan syarat kita HARUS sepakat denganNya.Sepakat dengan visi dan Panggilan Tuhan.
"You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may confirm His covenant that He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.
(Deuteronomy 8:18)
Yesterday I listen to one sermon about Trusting God which taken from Proverbs 3:5-7. The speaker said we will say,"I TRUST YOU LORD" but still in our lifestyle we lean on other thing.it might be our family,friends or our job.we said that we trust the Lord but we do not lean on Him 100%.That is the problem!and I tell you i am one of the people who said" I trust the Lord' yet I am still leaning on my family,especially when it comes to my finance.
Like Ps.David said about the Blessings Covenant, what I have to do is to give Him the correct respond in trusting Him. Instead of making my own effort to "find" the blessing and making my own solutions to "get" the blessings,
Actually I used to faced this problem when I want to really trust God. Is it very hard?I tell you it easy for me to say I trust You Lord for no matter happen but deep in my heart I doubt God..especially when it seems no changes..nothing happen..its still the same!I DOUBT GOD..I running from the hope that God has given me..the hope and the promise God has given us that He is ALWAYS WITH US (Matthew 28:20b).During my quiet time, i was sitting worrying about my problem instead of casting all my anxieties on Him :(
(1Peter 5:7)
And today since last week the Holy Spirit keep on reminding and strengthens me to TRUST HIM-I will listen and obey..
not trusting Him but at the same time leaning on other thing
not trusting Him but still doubt His Power
not trusting Him but have no FAITH!
I don’t want that type of trust anymore. I dare to HOPE unto God’s promises..
dare to WAIT for His PERFECT TIME.
So You and me..let us take off our “fake trust” and putting on the NEW TRUST AND NEW HOPE IN GOD that He is always there for you and me for no matter happen.
This is one of my favorite song..the lyric really spoke to me to not GIVE UP UN TRUSTING GOD and remember what is impossible with men is possible with God.(Luke 18:27)
So dare to change?Dare to hope? I dare to hope and trust God.How about you?
God bless you!

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Thank You Daddy
These few days a lot of thing happened..bad and good.
My brother asked me to conduct our family prayer meeting every weekend.I told you i almost give up to pray for my family members when i saw no improvement and i can say the situation just so bad.but God never let me give up.He answered my prayer.I can't tell you hows my feeling when i received the sms from my brother.I was so so excited and I thank God for opening door for me. i am busy with assignments,i don't know but this semester is the busiest semester for me.but i ask God to help me.if i wait for my free time i guess i will never have,so i have to make time.make time for the work God has entrusted me to do..my family.
Last semester i applied scholarship from KUOK Foundation.During my interview i have one document not with me but God opened the door and i get it. i received the letter from them last month.i sent over all the documents needed last month as well. until now i haven't get any call from the Foundation.Last Tuesday i told God,"Lord please do something with my scholarship.i need it.". After that i forgot about it. during my class suddenly i receive a call from the Foundation! the lady told me that i haven't sent back the acceptance letter for my scholarship.I did..but yeah so i sent another copy on that day itself.so now..i just need to wait again for the call from the Foundation. My prayer is i will get it by this month,amen:)
During my micro teaching yesterday my lecturer said i didn't pass up my lesson plan. I did...what happen actually.it seems that everything i sent they didn't receive it?i was very down yesterday..super down.while waiting for the next class i read the online Bible and God showed me this verse:
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice!(Philippians 4:4)
I told God.."Lord its very hard to rejoice in this situation.everything went wrong." but suddenly God made me smile after my evening class. before Raya break i sent e-mail to all my lectures to wish them Selamat Hari Raya. and my lecturer thanked me yesterday. simple Thank You changed my day..because i believe that one day My God will be their God..AMEN!
This is the greatest joy yesterday. I ate with my two friends. we shared about what God has done in our life.I ever told you that i am no more OLD NERNNY because God has forgiven me for my sins and now i am the NEW NERNNY. but actually i have one thing i never told anyone except God. but yesterday i told my friend..i can you i fell so so free..God never sees you for what you have done in your past.He has forgiven you!you are new creation in Christ now.that happened to me yesterday! i thanked God for sending my friend for me to share about what happened to me. the great thing was,not only me but she also experience God's freedom after that!Halleluyah!!!i always love this:
when i looked back what happen last three days,God worked in my life miraculously..really.
My brother asked me to conduct our family prayer meeting every weekend.I told you i almost give up to pray for my family members when i saw no improvement and i can say the situation just so bad.but God never let me give up.He answered my prayer.I can't tell you hows my feeling when i received the sms from my brother.I was so so excited and I thank God for opening door for me. i am busy with assignments,i don't know but this semester is the busiest semester for me.but i ask God to help me.if i wait for my free time i guess i will never have,so i have to make time.make time for the work God has entrusted me to do..my family.
Last semester i applied scholarship from KUOK Foundation.During my interview i have one document not with me but God opened the door and i get it. i received the letter from them last month.i sent over all the documents needed last month as well. until now i haven't get any call from the Foundation.Last Tuesday i told God,"Lord please do something with my scholarship.i need it.". After that i forgot about it. during my class suddenly i receive a call from the Foundation! the lady told me that i haven't sent back the acceptance letter for my scholarship.I did..but yeah so i sent another copy on that day itself.so now..i just need to wait again for the call from the Foundation. My prayer is i will get it by this month,amen:)
During my micro teaching yesterday my lecturer said i didn't pass up my lesson plan. I did...what happen actually.it seems that everything i sent they didn't receive it?i was very down yesterday..super down.while waiting for the next class i read the online Bible and God showed me this verse:
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice!(Philippians 4:4)
I told God.."Lord its very hard to rejoice in this situation.everything went wrong." but suddenly God made me smile after my evening class. before Raya break i sent e-mail to all my lectures to wish them Selamat Hari Raya. and my lecturer thanked me yesterday. simple Thank You changed my day..because i believe that one day My God will be their God..AMEN!
This is the greatest joy yesterday. I ate with my two friends. we shared about what God has done in our life.I ever told you that i am no more OLD NERNNY because God has forgiven me for my sins and now i am the NEW NERNNY. but actually i have one thing i never told anyone except God. but yesterday i told my friend..i can you i fell so so free..God never sees you for what you have done in your past.He has forgiven you!you are new creation in Christ now.that happened to me yesterday! i thanked God for sending my friend for me to share about what happened to me. the great thing was,not only me but she also experience God's freedom after that!Halleluyah!!!i always love this:
when i looked back what happen last three days,God worked in my life miraculously..really.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My Testimony
One very good friend of mine sent me her testimony that she wrote.Believe me her testimony conclude 46 pages..no joke! and i believe too that if we write down everything what God has done is our life..its more than 46 pages of testimony..its countless. I am so happy that she write them down and I am so blessed with each story that she shared.I told her that I want to do the same.
So that when i write down my testimony its not only can be a blessing to others who read it but it also reminds me of God's presence throughout my life, that I can count on Him.One thing I always keep in my mind is,in every moment in my life He was there, He is there, He will be there!I have always thought of my testimony as something I can use to inspire and encourage others, but had never thought actually that I could use it to encourage and inspire myself. God is faithful and He has proved it over and over again. I can look back over my life and trace His hand, feel His presence and trust His purpose.
Daddy, thank You for always working in my life. When I get discouraged, let me see that You worked in my life in the past and You are at work now. Help me to recall my testimony so that I can feel Your presence. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
So that when i write down my testimony its not only can be a blessing to others who read it but it also reminds me of God's presence throughout my life, that I can count on Him.One thing I always keep in my mind is,in every moment in my life He was there, He is there, He will be there!I have always thought of my testimony as something I can use to inspire and encourage others, but had never thought actually that I could use it to encourage and inspire myself. God is faithful and He has proved it over and over again. I can look back over my life and trace His hand, feel His presence and trust His purpose.
Daddy, thank You for always working in my life. When I get discouraged, let me see that You worked in my life in the past and You are at work now. Help me to recall my testimony so that I can feel Your presence. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
uNdERStanDING me and yourself?
"I understand..its okey.Don't worry"
This is very familiar and I use it most of the time.I am not really sure either I will say it out to take care of others feeling or because I really meant it.When we want to pleasure someone we sometime ought will say this,just like me.I am not sure about you but yes I did it.
It is hard to understand someone when that person cannot meet our needs..our wishes and our dream? Frankly speaking,it does. Sometimes it leave bitterness in my heart when I am always the one who say" Its okey" even though its not okey. Hypocrite?maybe hahha.
Bitterness is not good!
Hypocrite is not good either!
Do I have all these?do I need all these to maintain my relationship with others? YES I NEED THAT 100%. why do I say that?because that was what happened to me this few days. when others cannot meet my needs..I turn to God for help and courage..it works!
As I read this verse,It really speaks to me..ngam bah hihi
My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalms 73:26)
So how about you?what makes you able to understand others when the situation seems impossible for you to understand?Jesus is the right answer..Turn to Him and He will make your way.amen
This is very familiar and I use it most of the time.I am not really sure either I will say it out to take care of others feeling or because I really meant it.When we want to pleasure someone we sometime ought will say this,just like me.I am not sure about you but yes I did it.
It is hard to understand someone when that person cannot meet our needs..our wishes and our dream? Frankly speaking,it does. Sometimes it leave bitterness in my heart when I am always the one who say" Its okey" even though its not okey. Hypocrite?maybe hahha.
Bitterness is not good!
Hypocrite is not good either!
Do I have all these?do I need all these to maintain my relationship with others? YES I NEED THAT 100%. why do I say that?because that was what happened to me this few days. when others cannot meet my needs..I turn to God for help and courage..it works!
As I read this verse,It really speaks to me..ngam bah hihi
My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalms 73:26)
So how about you?what makes you able to understand others when the situation seems impossible for you to understand?Jesus is the right answer..Turn to Him and He will make your way.amen
Monday, September 6, 2010
When HE says;"I LOVE YOU"

When I say I love Jesus..nothing can set us apart
When I say love you..I really meant it
When I say I love my family..that is very true
When I say I love every single of my friends..I will keep it forever
When these words appear..
Am I still able to keep my promise?
Am I still able to look up to Jesus for help and hope?
Am I still able to love the people who hates me?
Am I still able to say I love you to the the people who far from me?
BUT..there is BUT here.Is it hard to always believing and be positive? I am not a superwoman and what so ever you call it. I am a human being..I did mistakes..I have feeling and I do have my so called bad day. It was a hypocrite of me telling people:
"Don't worry dear,you gonna be okey.God is with you!"
"You can do it'
"It's a process to be matured"
bla bla bla........
and I end up..crying alone and try to raise up my faith in Him..to believe Him that its gonna be okey if I trust Him.
ITS HARD REALLY HARD..i faced it before,every moment when I felt discourage.. maybe even now.Its even harder when the BAD OLD LIFE OF ME confronted me..it tempted me to say "Okeey..I am giving up..I can't do it anymore..I am mess.."
you know what makes me really awake of feel sympathy of myself? is the people around me.the people that I love around me..am I not important to me?is their problem important than myself...?its sound crazy but that is what i feel..when God showed me what the people around me faced,their mess in life,family problem,financial problem..so much problem...I started telling myself:
'God wants to use you Nernny for these people,the people around you.HE LOVES YOU"
and the simple "I LOVE YOU" from God actually makes me ARISE..
Every morning when I got up,God reminds me on HOW MUCH HE LOVES ME so that I can love others just like HE LOVES ME....that is when the "ME' come in again hahahha..
and...yeah JESUS LOVES ME TOO!!!!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
1.So that I can tell Him my problems and my plan and what's happening in my life
2.I want to know what His BEAUTIFUL PLAN for me
3.So that I will know what will happen in my future
and..lots more
God rebuked me a few days ago about how selfish am I. I want to hear God's voice because I want to know what good things He has for me..in other words I have my own agenda why I really want to listen to His voice. Every morning when I open my Bible I ask God, "Lord,what You have for my situation today?" EVERYTHING WAS ABOUT ME-MYSELF-MY OWN BENEFIT! VERY VERY SELFISH..yeah!I don't do that because I want to know Him more..that is my answer..honest.
For God loves me and rebukes me,I know I have to change. No more ME-MYSELF-MY OWN AGENDA,but I want to listen to Him because I want to know Him more.I want to know His agenda and His desire.Help me to understand You more,to obey You and to be sensitive with You my Lord!amen
1.So that I can tell Him my problems and my plan and what's happening in my life
2.I want to know what His BEAUTIFUL PLAN for me
3.So that I will know what will happen in my future
and..lots more
God rebuked me a few days ago about how selfish am I. I want to hear God's voice because I want to know what good things He has for me..in other words I have my own agenda why I really want to listen to His voice. Every morning when I open my Bible I ask God, "Lord,what You have for my situation today?" EVERYTHING WAS ABOUT ME-MYSELF-MY OWN BENEFIT! VERY VERY SELFISH..yeah!I don't do that because I want to know Him more..that is my answer..honest.
For God loves me and rebukes me,I know I have to change. No more ME-MYSELF-MY OWN AGENDA,but I want to listen to Him because I want to know Him more.I want to know His agenda and His desire.Help me to understand You more,to obey You and to be sensitive with You my Lord!amen
Sunday, August 29, 2010
He loves me and I belong to Him

“But now, this is what the Lord says - He who created you, Nernny, He who formed you, Nernny:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior …you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you..Fear not, for I am with you"
(Isaiah 43:1-5 ESV)
Monday, August 23, 2010

Show me the right path, O Lord;point out the road for me to follow.Lead me by Your truth and teach me,for You are the God who saves me.All day long I put my hope in You.
PSALM 25:4-5
This few days I always ask myself,"am I really allowing God to direct my paths?".Then God gently reminded me through this verses that He is the Teacher and also my Daddy..and I am His student,His precious daughter.
God reminded me to trust Him, not a desire or a dream. Not the world's view of things. Not my abilities. Not my ideas. Just Him :)
Yeah just Him...Halleluyah!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
come back together

Somehow I found that its not that easy to come back normal.Its hard..I can't..but honestly I miss the happy moment we always had together before.we laugh,we shared and we cried together until..it seems that slowly its fading away.I am sorry if I failed to be your good friend..but I pray and always pray so that we can come back together again.amen
Monday, August 16, 2010
Marriage is Commitment :)

MARRIAGE IS... "till death do us part," not "until the going gets rough." It is a lifelong commitment based upon sacred vows uttered in the presence of the Creator of marriage. It is not two people simply living together, but two living as a team ordained by God for the advancement of His glory in commitment to His will.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Trust in the Lord

Whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.
The Lord is exalted, for he dwells on high.—The Lord is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens!… He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes.
God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?… For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Special Gift from Daddy
Dear My precious daughter,
Why do you feel down and your trust in Me fading away? I am your Daddy who always right besides you.Do you know how much I love you?Do you know how much the people around you love you,your family and friends..special friend. I gave them to you as My special gift,only for you.They will care and love you for who you are...some of them I sent to you like what you requested years ago.Don't "hide" from them but live with them.I know you are My strong daughter.That is the reason I can believe in you always and always..that you will never give up in anything.I love you!
Love and Hug,
Why do you feel down and your trust in Me fading away? I am your Daddy who always right besides you.Do you know how much I love you?Do you know how much the people around you love you,your family and friends..special friend. I gave them to you as My special gift,only for you.They will care and love you for who you are...some of them I sent to you like what you requested years ago.Don't "hide" from them but live with them.I know you are My strong daughter.That is the reason I can believe in you always and always..that you will never give up in anything.I love you!
Love and Hug,
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Lord,I give You all of myself to You. Take every aspect of my life and use me for Your kingdom to glorify Your name.I'll do anything You want me to do,go anywhere You want me to go, and say anything You want me to say. Father,there isn't any gift that You have for me that I don't want. If You want to use me in a way I'm not used to,I yield myself to that.I trust You,Lord,to teach and guide me as a I dedicate my life to You.In Jesus' name.Amen.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Waiting and Walking

Sometimes the door of opportunity seems to be shut, but God is able to open a door that no one can shut. So standing on the firm foundation of his word, we wait for the doors to be opened that will accomplish His will through our lives. When the door opens the pathway to it, and through it, is always made very clear by God. His promise is to never leave us and His presence, which comforts us, is the hope that strengthens us to endure the waiting.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
1 Peter 5:10
In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.
Nernny do not give up! If you are down get up! Stand firm! GOD HAS A PLAN AND A PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE, it’s the truth. When we give our life to the Lord totally, God begins to change and mold us to accomplish His purposes through our lives. Notice the bold print in the scripture that God Himself is making you what you ought to be. Be patient and trust God is working all things for the good for those who love Him and have surrendered their life to Him. Trust God!amen
In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.
Nernny do not give up! If you are down get up! Stand firm! GOD HAS A PLAN AND A PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE, it’s the truth. When we give our life to the Lord totally, God begins to change and mold us to accomplish His purposes through our lives. Notice the bold print in the scripture that God Himself is making you what you ought to be. Be patient and trust God is working all things for the good for those who love Him and have surrendered their life to Him. Trust God!amen
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
When i looked back...God has been faithful to me over 22years. Honestly I do not know what exactly my feeling for my 22nd birthday..should I be happy or not.There is a lot I failed to achieve which I should done in my age now..but I learn a lot a lot about starting new journey with Him and forget about my past.
Being 22years in this world...honestly many times I fall down, sometimes very deep until its very hard for me to get up but..God is the only one who always there to help carrying me over and over again.There is a lot of times I failed to obey Him..failed to listen to His instructions :(.It seems like my 22 years journey in this world full of my failures..I admit that. But as God has raise me up this year for opening doors for healing and many breakthrough in my life,I told myself forget about your failure and TRUST GOD to change your life!Arise is the meaning my name and my dad ever told me before I came back here to live according to my name's meaning..yeah I shouldn't just sitting here and remember and mourning about my failures but I MUST RAISE UP!!
Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me.
(Micah 7:8)
So for my 22nd birthday I would like to dedicate this song for my sweetheart Nernny Arise...:)))))))))))))))))

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours
Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours
I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours
Being 22years in this world...honestly many times I fall down, sometimes very deep until its very hard for me to get up but..God is the only one who always there to help carrying me over and over again.There is a lot of times I failed to obey Him..failed to listen to His instructions :(.It seems like my 22 years journey in this world full of my failures..I admit that. But as God has raise me up this year for opening doors for healing and many breakthrough in my life,I told myself forget about your failure and TRUST GOD to change your life!Arise is the meaning my name and my dad ever told me before I came back here to live according to my name's meaning..yeah I shouldn't just sitting here and remember and mourning about my failures but I MUST RAISE UP!!
Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me.
(Micah 7:8)
So for my 22nd birthday I would like to dedicate this song for my sweetheart Nernny Arise...:)))))))))))))))))

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours
Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours
I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours

Saturday, July 10, 2010
I have one new atheist friend...i can tell you i never have one before. this morning God reminded me o these verses:
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
(James 1:19-20)
Honestly at the beginning i was so so angry when he said GOD IS AN IDIOT GOD...GOD IS A MONSTER WHO DO NOTHING FOR US. My friend has a friend who being raped by 5 men and killed brutally. and it makes him hated God for doing nothing to help his friend..he can't trust God is a Love. There are thousand more people out there maybe worst than my friend but the point is we must know on what we believing. My friend said normal Christian will say just trust the Lord and have faith when they don't know the right answer. and what blinds them was the unbelieving.
I never meet Jesus when He came down to earth 2000years ago..but i choose to believe in Him because I know that God is Love and real God..nothing can change it.sometimes its a bit crazy to believe something that not in front of you..but that is the special about christian..by faith God enables us to trust beyond our understanding...
I pray that God will heal and touch my friend's heart that God is not an idiot God...One day the salvation will come to his life amen.
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
(James 1:19-20)
Honestly at the beginning i was so so angry when he said GOD IS AN IDIOT GOD...GOD IS A MONSTER WHO DO NOTHING FOR US. My friend has a friend who being raped by 5 men and killed brutally. and it makes him hated God for doing nothing to help his friend..he can't trust God is a Love. There are thousand more people out there maybe worst than my friend but the point is we must know on what we believing. My friend said normal Christian will say just trust the Lord and have faith when they don't know the right answer. and what blinds them was the unbelieving.
I never meet Jesus when He came down to earth 2000years ago..but i choose to believe in Him because I know that God is Love and real God..nothing can change it.sometimes its a bit crazy to believe something that not in front of you..but that is the special about christian..by faith God enables us to trust beyond our understanding...
I pray that God will heal and touch my friend's heart that God is not an idiot God...One day the salvation will come to his life amen.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
What happen to these people???????
This was written by an atheist from an article in Malaysia Today. Another urgent prayer needs so that these group of people will repent!
Check this out:
" I can't believe there are some people who still choose to base their decisions on fairy-tale books like the Bible, Torah and Koran over their naturally-evolved brains.
If anyone accuses me of attacking religions, let me say this - Yes I am, and I am not sorry about it. If there are people who prefer to use irrationality , I have the right to employ basic rationality.
Several reasons why:
1. These so called holy books are not holy at all - they are more graphic and violent than any pornographic materials that are being condemned for "corrupting minds". One can just flip to any page in any of these holy books and chances are one can find sanctioned, recurring themes of women persecution, absurdity, perverted sexual stories, unjustified racism, genocides et cetera - than makes one wonder why these themes are allowed in the first place if the main intent of making these books holy to supposedly "lead and educate the masses". Also, remember that scripture-writing is no more than a process of gathering hearsays and introducing one's bias into the process. The Old Testament applies to Jews only (Christians please don't kid yourself), Jesus's teaching in New Testament is for Jews only (it's Paul who took matter into his own hands and give the false perception to non-Jews that they are covered by Jesus's sacrifice insurance - surprised now?), and I won't talk about Koran because I have yet to finish the book (or, lest that I risk my head for talking about Islam)
2. Religions advocates faith, and faith is all about believing in things in irrational manner. And of course, using the "Eddington Concession" method, one can employ irrationality and selective quote mining to justify any irrational thoughts and actions, like "jihad" and "crusades" and whatnot. And put this in the hands of people who wields political power, how worse can it get?
3/ Religions are made by men - they are evolutionary products of man's interaction and attempts to understand the world. Science has again and again trumped religions, and it is high time that rationality and reasonings being used to understand the world, and not using "awe" and "fear". I dislike the statement "to put the fear of God" because why would a Creator (if it exists, though I can't find any reasons to do so" want to scare its own creations? I'd rather have a loving, earthly father whom I can see than a supposedly omniscient and omnipotent, unseed "Father" God who takes so much pain to hide him/it-self.
Finally -
4. Seriously, do one truly require God, or some sort of divine messages as source of morality? Morality, in its most rudimentary form, is a mixture of one's personal view of the world, and shaped by its interaction with the world. If this is too complex to understand, study this analogy - We are like apples, but there are red apples, green apples, apples that are suitable for making pies, and apples that grow well in wild forests, or even apples that aren't suitable for making ciders. Fitting in morality in the apples' analogy is akin to saying that God-sourced morality can be compared as to saying "I don't like red apples simply because I hate the color red and so I being the sweet delicious green apple is better than you because I think that my Creator favors green color to red color", as well as making reasonable comparison as to saying that interaction-sourced morality equals as saying "we are all different types of apples, but we all have our own uses, and no apple is above another apple, and we are all here as results of billion of years' interaction through evolutionary means, so let us be nice to each other because if one of us is not here then all us will not be here". Which of course, brings us to the topic of "evolution vs there-must-be-a-Creator-and-my-Creator-kicks-your-Creator's-ass", but I'll not venture there as this is a mighty wide digression.
Anyway, all I'm saying that religions are man-made products and religions insult our intelligence, no matter how much basic morality can one find in these holy books because holy books are no more than an Amway catalog trying to cheat you of your money and life and it takes irrational faith to believe in these books to create self-deceiving perception that holy books are good and holy."
Check this out:
" I can't believe there are some people who still choose to base their decisions on fairy-tale books like the Bible, Torah and Koran over their naturally-evolved brains.
If anyone accuses me of attacking religions, let me say this - Yes I am, and I am not sorry about it. If there are people who prefer to use irrationality , I have the right to employ basic rationality.
Several reasons why:
1. These so called holy books are not holy at all - they are more graphic and violent than any pornographic materials that are being condemned for "corrupting minds". One can just flip to any page in any of these holy books and chances are one can find sanctioned, recurring themes of women persecution, absurdity, perverted sexual stories, unjustified racism, genocides et cetera - than makes one wonder why these themes are allowed in the first place if the main intent of making these books holy to supposedly "lead and educate the masses". Also, remember that scripture-writing is no more than a process of gathering hearsays and introducing one's bias into the process. The Old Testament applies to Jews only (Christians please don't kid yourself), Jesus's teaching in New Testament is for Jews only (it's Paul who took matter into his own hands and give the false perception to non-Jews that they are covered by Jesus's sacrifice insurance - surprised now?), and I won't talk about Koran because I have yet to finish the book (or, lest that I risk my head for talking about Islam)
2. Religions advocates faith, and faith is all about believing in things in irrational manner. And of course, using the "Eddington Concession" method, one can employ irrationality and selective quote mining to justify any irrational thoughts and actions, like "jihad" and "crusades" and whatnot. And put this in the hands of people who wields political power, how worse can it get?
3/ Religions are made by men - they are evolutionary products of man's interaction and attempts to understand the world. Science has again and again trumped religions, and it is high time that rationality and reasonings being used to understand the world, and not using "awe" and "fear". I dislike the statement "to put the fear of God" because why would a Creator (if it exists, though I can't find any reasons to do so" want to scare its own creations? I'd rather have a loving, earthly father whom I can see than a supposedly omniscient and omnipotent, unseed "Father" God who takes so much pain to hide him/it-self.
Finally -
4. Seriously, do one truly require God, or some sort of divine messages as source of morality? Morality, in its most rudimentary form, is a mixture of one's personal view of the world, and shaped by its interaction with the world. If this is too complex to understand, study this analogy - We are like apples, but there are red apples, green apples, apples that are suitable for making pies, and apples that grow well in wild forests, or even apples that aren't suitable for making ciders. Fitting in morality in the apples' analogy is akin to saying that God-sourced morality can be compared as to saying "I don't like red apples simply because I hate the color red and so I being the sweet delicious green apple is better than you because I think that my Creator favors green color to red color", as well as making reasonable comparison as to saying that interaction-sourced morality equals as saying "we are all different types of apples, but we all have our own uses, and no apple is above another apple, and we are all here as results of billion of years' interaction through evolutionary means, so let us be nice to each other because if one of us is not here then all us will not be here". Which of course, brings us to the topic of "evolution vs there-must-be-a-Creator-and-my-Creator-kicks-your-Creator's-ass", but I'll not venture there as this is a mighty wide digression.
Anyway, all I'm saying that religions are man-made products and religions insult our intelligence, no matter how much basic morality can one find in these holy books because holy books are no more than an Amway catalog trying to cheat you of your money and life and it takes irrational faith to believe in these books to create self-deceiving perception that holy books are good and holy."
URGENT..God help us!
As I read this article today..it was really really breaking my heart to see what our government has done for my state and my people...need more action and prayer.I pray that God will put the right person to rule Sabah and bring this state out of poverty...
BN made Sabah poor, says MP
Mon, 05 Jul 2010 11:50
By FMT Staff
PETALING JAYA: The MP for Kota Kinabalu has blamed Barisan Nasional for the poverty of Sabahans and the exodus of job-seekers from the state.
Twenty-three percent of Sabahans were below the poverty line and thousands who had left the state were living in misery in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore, said Hiew King Chiew at a forum here.
“Sabah was once very wealthy and citizens did not worry about jobs, food and water, but since Umno-BN took over, we’ve become the poorest state in Malaysia, with 23.4 percent of the population living in poverty," he said.
“That means 23 out of 100 Sabahans are living below the poverty line. It has forced thousands of our youths to migrate to the peninsula and Singapore looking for jobs.”
Recalling visits to Tambunan, Keningau, Ranau, Kudat and Pitas, Hiew said his group found the locals living in shacks, “one spartan shack" for each family.
“Their main activity was padi and vegetable farming and fishing in the river,” he said.
“It’s shocking to see this."
He called on Sabahans and other Malaysians to extend assistance "in whatever form" to help poor Sabahans.
He also censured the federal government for not abiding by the terms of the 1963 agreement and said it was the failure of its policies that had caused the infiltration of cheap foreign labour into Sabah, resulting in the exodus of job-seeking Sabahans.
“We’ve given BN a chance but they did not do anything," he told an audience of about 300.
"Pakatan Rakyat is trying its honest best to help. We need a change. We need to save Sabah and Malaysia.”
As I read this article today..it was really really breaking my heart to see what our government has done for my state and my people...need more action and prayer.I pray that God will put the right person to rule Sabah and bring this state out of poverty...
BN made Sabah poor, says MP
Mon, 05 Jul 2010 11:50
By FMT Staff
PETALING JAYA: The MP for Kota Kinabalu has blamed Barisan Nasional for the poverty of Sabahans and the exodus of job-seekers from the state.
Twenty-three percent of Sabahans were below the poverty line and thousands who had left the state were living in misery in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore, said Hiew King Chiew at a forum here.
“Sabah was once very wealthy and citizens did not worry about jobs, food and water, but since Umno-BN took over, we’ve become the poorest state in Malaysia, with 23.4 percent of the population living in poverty," he said.
“That means 23 out of 100 Sabahans are living below the poverty line. It has forced thousands of our youths to migrate to the peninsula and Singapore looking for jobs.”
Recalling visits to Tambunan, Keningau, Ranau, Kudat and Pitas, Hiew said his group found the locals living in shacks, “one spartan shack" for each family.
“Their main activity was padi and vegetable farming and fishing in the river,” he said.
“It’s shocking to see this."
He called on Sabahans and other Malaysians to extend assistance "in whatever form" to help poor Sabahans.
He also censured the federal government for not abiding by the terms of the 1963 agreement and said it was the failure of its policies that had caused the infiltration of cheap foreign labour into Sabah, resulting in the exodus of job-seeking Sabahans.
“We’ve given BN a chance but they did not do anything," he told an audience of about 300.
"Pakatan Rakyat is trying its honest best to help. We need a change. We need to save Sabah and Malaysia.”
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Thank You JESUS
Thank You Jesus for everything..
aNOTHER 8days I will leave my sweet hometown again...being here for 2 months plus I learn a lot of things. God is faithful to me during my pre-practicuum in school and really open my mind to really rely upon God's strength when I am in trouble especially with the sign language. It was very hard to leave the school and the students actually.
During the Kaamatan holiday I attended the Youth Revival Conference in my lovely ACF. Dr.Chealsea was our speaker and She's been a blessing so much for us. As an intercessor she reminded me to ALWAYS BE HUMBLE and the most important thinG is go deeper in God's Word and NEVER STOP PRAYING.Thank God for sending her. honestly I was a bit down during that time with a lot things I am not sure which I've to settle off but again Gos opened my heart to be heal and enable Him to transform my heart again. One great thing happened was during our camp in ARC..the HS asked me to share my testimony,the testimony I plan not to tell my ACF family know yet..but again I learn to OBEY HIM. Praise The Lord He did His job and yeah they still can accept me for who am I :)...
After my pre-practicuum finished and after the conference God opened doors to me to share His Word to my people..and it was a great experience for me. It builds my confidence to talk in front and share about HIM. This week was my 2 weeks journey with Him..this is one of the way for me to even know Him more and be more SENSITIVE to His VOICE...
mY Heart and desire is to go deeper and come back to His First Love...I always told myself, my life is nothing when I am apart from Him and that is very true!!!!Thank You Jesus for Your faithfulness and unending love.
aNOTHER 8days I will leave my sweet hometown again...being here for 2 months plus I learn a lot of things. God is faithful to me during my pre-practicuum in school and really open my mind to really rely upon God's strength when I am in trouble especially with the sign language. It was very hard to leave the school and the students actually.
During the Kaamatan holiday I attended the Youth Revival Conference in my lovely ACF. Dr.Chealsea was our speaker and She's been a blessing so much for us. As an intercessor she reminded me to ALWAYS BE HUMBLE and the most important thinG is go deeper in God's Word and NEVER STOP PRAYING.Thank God for sending her. honestly I was a bit down during that time with a lot things I am not sure which I've to settle off but again Gos opened my heart to be heal and enable Him to transform my heart again. One great thing happened was during our camp in ARC..the HS asked me to share my testimony,the testimony I plan not to tell my ACF family know yet..but again I learn to OBEY HIM. Praise The Lord He did His job and yeah they still can accept me for who am I :)...
After my pre-practicuum finished and after the conference God opened doors to me to share His Word to my people..and it was a great experience for me. It builds my confidence to talk in front and share about HIM. This week was my 2 weeks journey with Him..this is one of the way for me to even know Him more and be more SENSITIVE to His VOICE...
mY Heart and desire is to go deeper and come back to His First Love...I always told myself, my life is nothing when I am apart from Him and that is very true!!!!Thank You Jesus for Your faithfulness and unending love.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Sign Of Love

Hello everyone...I am back :). I've been offline for quite sometimes and lots story to share hehe. First of all after i reached Sabah i went to the school which I have no idea where it is but again God is so faithful to guide my way to that school-SMK Datuk Peter Mojuntin Penampang. It was long journey from Luyang and I can tell you that it was very very fun but yer tiring haha. back to story,i met the teachers and they were so nice and it seems that i knew them for long time already. God is good isn't. I actually having problem where to stay during my pre-practicum in that school and God is our Jehovah Jireh the God of Provider amen. I got a house to stay with such wonderful housemates,Halleluyah!
The first day in the school..i couldn't understand what the students talked about because i can tell you that my sign language was bad bad bad. the good thing was the students were so excited to teach me sign language and i have to push myself very hard to catch up with the language. Everyday I ask for God's wisdom to understand sign language...He did and now i can talk with the students even though some words i do not understand haha. Every time i looked at my students i realize that they were special and precious in God's eyes...they will never be alone because God is a faithful God. God created sign language so that they can talk and they can praise Him..sign language is the sign of how much God loved them and me and all of us.
Throughout this week also i learn a lot about to be humble..i am a teacher but the students teach me. i do not felt ashamed because of that...learning together with them makes us ever closer and i can tell you that I FALL IN LOVE WITH THEM..I love my students and love love them.For God has loved me at the first place so now i want them to feel the same love that God has given me..the greatest love of God.
Dear Lord thank You so much for putting me in this school and use me Lord to be Your instrument to bless the people in this school.I love You Lord:)
Monday, April 26, 2010
My Word ABIDE in you!
Today as I am listening to John Piper's sermon on "if My Word abide in you" taken from John 15:1-8..Go spoke to me about really being abide in His Word.
John Piper explained about the verse 7:
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
(John 15:7)
Many times we ought to just read the Bible like reading a normal book or maybe not reading the Bible at all! John Piper said that one of the most urgent need now in Christian life is the need of deepest knowledge of God.We need to know God better through His Word and prayers!
The Bible is a Living Word and as we are reading the Bible let us start to acknowledging Him and allows Him to speak to us. The beginning of this month God really challenged me to study on His Word more deeper. Honestly I never have or attend a proper Bible study before and I can say that is the reason why I am scared to share with others about Christ..because I do not have enough knowledge about His Word! But as I told God that I don't want all this anymore I really challenge myself to learn His Word...
Even now I started the 40 days Journey in God's Word sometimes I read the Bible very fast because my motive is to finish it. But John Piper mentioned in his sermon that read the Bible slowly to understand It!And in all your reading keep Jesus before you!
I am sorry God that sometimes I just read Your Word for the sake of reading..but now o God as I continue my 40 days journey in Your Word, speak to me in every words that I read and correct me when my reading is putting You aside instead of relying in You. Continue to open my mind and give me the new things..revelation through Your Word.Hep me to discipline myself throughout this journey.
Thank You Lord.I love You!
John Piper explained about the verse 7:
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
(John 15:7)
Many times we ought to just read the Bible like reading a normal book or maybe not reading the Bible at all! John Piper said that one of the most urgent need now in Christian life is the need of deepest knowledge of God.We need to know God better through His Word and prayers!
The Bible is a Living Word and as we are reading the Bible let us start to acknowledging Him and allows Him to speak to us. The beginning of this month God really challenged me to study on His Word more deeper. Honestly I never have or attend a proper Bible study before and I can say that is the reason why I am scared to share with others about Christ..because I do not have enough knowledge about His Word! But as I told God that I don't want all this anymore I really challenge myself to learn His Word...
Even now I started the 40 days Journey in God's Word sometimes I read the Bible very fast because my motive is to finish it. But John Piper mentioned in his sermon that read the Bible slowly to understand It!And in all your reading keep Jesus before you!
I am sorry God that sometimes I just read Your Word for the sake of reading..but now o God as I continue my 40 days journey in Your Word, speak to me in every words that I read and correct me when my reading is putting You aside instead of relying in You. Continue to open my mind and give me the new things..revelation through Your Word.Hep me to discipline myself throughout this journey.
Thank You Lord.I love You!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
today is my last paper and FINISHED EXAM hahahahahahaha. I am so excited to go back Sabah and meet my family but something happened that makes me scared and don't want to go back......i just feel that it is so fast and really makes me so scared.It never happen in my life and now I felt that I just wanna stay here and come back after finished my study hahhahaha...that will never happen for sure.so now the situation is..so clueless and I just surrender everything into God's hand.
Lord You know what is the best for me and I pray that You will tkae control o God.
Thank You Lord and I love You:)
Lord You know what is the best for me and I pray that You will tkae control o God.
Thank You Lord and I love You:)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Happy Happy
I am so happy today :)
He answered my prayer. actually i forgot about that already but when adik called me today and only I remember that yeah God answered my prayer hahhahahaahhahahaah.
Thank You Lord!I Love You:)
I am so happy today :)
He answered my prayer. actually i forgot about that already but when adik called me today and only I remember that yeah God answered my prayer hahhahahaahhahahaah.
Thank You Lord!I Love You:)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I am sorry for all the wrong doings that I've done today
I am sorry for not listening to Your voice
I am sorry for being so stubborn
I am sorry for ignoring You
I am sorry for everything
Please forgive me o God
and teach me and guide me
in every step of my life
every day o God..
so that I will be more and more like You.
I am sorry for all the wrong doings that I've done today
I am sorry for not listening to Your voice
I am sorry for being so stubborn
I am sorry for ignoring You
I am sorry for everything
Please forgive me o God
and teach me and guide me
in every step of my life
every day o God..
so that I will be more and more like You.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I see the king of glory
Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes
I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing
Hosanna in the highest [x2]
I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith
I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees
We're on our knees
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to
Hosanna in the highest
This song just keep on playing in my head today..Show me o God what really breaks Your heart!Show me oh God what You really want me to do...
Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes
I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing
Hosanna in the highest [x2]
I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith
I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees
We're on our knees
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to
Hosanna in the highest
This song just keep on playing in my head today..Show me o God what really breaks Your heart!Show me oh God what You really want me to do...
Friday, April 16, 2010
I will Rise
This few days God drove myself to come back for my people the Rungus people. He brought me back to pray and intercede for this special group of God's people and now I can assure you that My heart For Rungus People :)
My heart cries unto the Lord
Finding His ways
His ways for Rungus people
His ways to transform Rungus people
to unite us the Rungus people
A lot of plannings
A lot of voices
But less people make their stand
and yeah...I am one of them who scared to stand :(
But today God
I want to make a difference
I want You to transform me
Transform the way I think
Transform the way I see things
I want to be like Moses who lead Your people Israel
But I want more than him...to lead Your people my people-Rungus Momogun
I really want You to change my life
I am tired of being talking-oriented person
Change me to become Faith-Action-oriented person God
For Your chosen people..the Rungus in Kudat
Kudat the land of revival!
My heart cries unto the Lord
Finding His ways
His ways for Rungus people
His ways to transform Rungus people
to unite us the Rungus people
A lot of plannings
A lot of voices
But less people make their stand
and yeah...I am one of them who scared to stand :(
But today God
I want to make a difference
I want You to transform me
Transform the way I think
Transform the way I see things
I want to be like Moses who lead Your people Israel
But I want more than him...to lead Your people my people-Rungus Momogun
I really want You to change my life
I am tired of being talking-oriented person
Change me to become Faith-Action-oriented person God
For Your chosen people..the Rungus in Kudat
Kudat the land of revival!
Torima Kasih Tuhan

I was reading Bible today and suddenly the Holy Spirit just brought me to thank God for what He has done in my life especially for my people-Rungus-Momogun. and I just started to type all the praises that come out from my mouth.
Momogun bagi Dikau Tuhan
Ikau no Tuhan o sambaon dahai
Ikau no Tuhan o vozoon dahai
Ikau no Tuhan o Kinoringan dahai
Biano sampai salaid laid
Ikau minongolikup di bansa ku
Ikau no minamasi di bansa ku
Tuhan Ikau no o koposizan di bansa ku
Tundao okoi no o Tuhan
Torima kasih Tuhan......
Tu amu pinolingan Nu iti bansa ku
Torima kasih Tuhan.....
Tu kinakat Nu iti bansa ku
Gunao om tundao okoi no bagi di Karajaan Nu
Tuhan Kinoringan Tosundu
Aso vokon o tihimon dahai
Tanid Ko ikau o Tuhan ku
Salaid-laid manamba okoi Dikau
Aso no harapon dahai vokon
Pokiizon okoi bansa vokon
Posikimon bansa vokon dahai
Nga Ikau Kinoringan o minangakat dahai
Pemoto i mato bansa ku i gamaon Nu Tuhan
Peningo i tolingo bansa ku i porintah Nu Tuhan
Pobukao i ginavo bansa ku i ralan Nu
Ikau no o monguba di bansa ku
Bansa dahai Momogun bagi Dikau
Ikau no o monunda bansa dahai
Nunu nopo keingnan Nu suhuton dahai
Amu no pokodou okoi di ginavo dahai iti
Alaid no Tuhan iti bansa ku
Sid siba nopo mato do bansa vokon
Aso no kinavantangn di bansa ku
Nunu nopo mad kekum ikum nga varo
Nga Ikau Tuhan o banalko avantang
Ikau no i minangakat di bansa Ku
Ikau pinemot di bansa dahai dot varo harapan
Ikau pinemot di bansa vokon dot Ikau o Kinoringan dahai
Ikau o pinedu i sooviai kosikiman bansa ku
Ikau o minonindal di bansa ku
Antad sid kosusaan om kutuk do pomogunan
Tuhan mad ko minonunda Ko bansa dot Israel
Yadino Ko no monunda bansa Momogun
Ikau no monguba iti bansa Momogun
Antad sid aso nununu
Yokoi no bansa i modlobi-lobi barakat antad sid Dikau
Agazo o ponorima kasih dahai Tuhan
Tu nandaman om pinili Nu iti bansa dahai
Tu binarakatan Nu iti bansa dahai
Ombo Kekau no mongovit bansa dahai
Nunu nopo kenginan Nu suhuton dahai
Tu Momogun bahagi Dikau songulun Tuhan!
Lord thank You so much for being faithful to Rungus people
Thank You for bringing HOPE for Rungus people
Thank You for bringing SALVATION for Rungus people
Monday, April 12, 2010
as I read through the Proverbs 31 Ministry newsletter today..one word really caught my attention-SELFISH! that is the negative attitudes that as a Christian we are not supposed to have. If we look at this verse:
"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus..."
Philippians 2:5
When I read this verse again and again the HS spoke to me for my wrong attitudes this few days. Sometimes I felt that I am too selfish and that makes others being hurt. I know that but I intend to ignore and because of that I can't feel the peace in my heart..and that time then only I realize that I have to stop this attitudes and repent! Being selfish is negative and God Himself never being selfish.God cares first about the condition of our hearts because when God has our hearts, He knows that we're surrendered to Him. He'll mold us and shape our attitudes and actions to reflect His character...
I am sorry God for my wrong attitudes this few days..search me, O God and know my heart. Soften my heart and make me willing to receive an attitude adjustment from You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus..."
Philippians 2:5
When I read this verse again and again the HS spoke to me for my wrong attitudes this few days. Sometimes I felt that I am too selfish and that makes others being hurt. I know that but I intend to ignore and because of that I can't feel the peace in my heart..and that time then only I realize that I have to stop this attitudes and repent! Being selfish is negative and God Himself never being selfish.God cares first about the condition of our hearts because when God has our hearts, He knows that we're surrendered to Him. He'll mold us and shape our attitudes and actions to reflect His character...
I am sorry God for my wrong attitudes this few days..search me, O God and know my heart. Soften my heart and make me willing to receive an attitude adjustment from You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
The New Life- Ephesians 4:20-32
"But that isn't what you were taught about Jesus Christ. He is the truth, and you heard about Him and learned about Him.You were told that your foolish desires will destroy you and that you must give up your old way of life with all its bad habits. Let the Spirit change your way of thinking and make you into a new person. You were created to be like God, and so you must please Him and be truly holy. We are part of the same body. Stop lying and start telling each other the truth. Don't get so angry that you sin. Don't go to bed angry and don't give the devil a chance. If you are a thief, quit stealing. Be honest and work hard, so you will have something to give to people in need. Stop all your dirty talk. Say the right thing at the right time and help others by what you say. Don't make God's Spirit sad. The Spirit makes you sure that someday you will be free from your sins. Stop being bitter and angry and mad at others. Don't yell at one another or curse each other or ever be rude. Instead, be kind and merciful, and forgive others, just as God forgave you because of Christ. "
People need inner transformation because their hearts are “deceitful above all things, and desperately sick”.Christians sometimes distinguish between knowledge of head and of heart, but the Bible shows that they should love and serve the Lord with all that is in them, including their minds, at all times. The “renewal” or “transformation” of the mind (Rom. 12:2) is a process in which believers begin to think in new and right ways as they meditate on the truths of God's Word.
Paul gives practical examples of how church members build up Christ's body.Paul will show how Christians are to put into practice the truths explored in
Be angry.Not all anger is sin, but the believer should not be consumed by anger, nor should one's anger even be carried over into the next day, as this will only give an opportunity to the devil.
Paul uses the thief to illustrate how repentance impacts one's lifestyle. Repentance involves both stopping (negative) and starting (positive).
Bitterness.Bitterness and resentment are thus incompatible with Christian character and must be put away. People often are very careless with their speech (“slander”), even though the tongue can ignite a forest fire of harm to others.
Being kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving flows from constantly remembering that God first forgave us and that we need his forgiveness daily, as the Lord's Prayer reminds us: “forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors”.
Being kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving flows from constantly remembering that God first forgave us and that we need his forgiveness daily, as the Lord's Prayer reminds us: “forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors”.
God bless everyone!
Source:ESV Study Bible
People need inner transformation because their hearts are “deceitful above all things, and desperately sick”.Christians sometimes distinguish between knowledge of head and of heart, but the Bible shows that they should love and serve the Lord with all that is in them, including their minds, at all times. The “renewal” or “transformation” of the mind (Rom. 12:2) is a process in which believers begin to think in new and right ways as they meditate on the truths of God's Word.
Paul gives practical examples of how church members build up Christ's body.Paul will show how Christians are to put into practice the truths explored in
Be angry.Not all anger is sin, but the believer should not be consumed by anger, nor should one's anger even be carried over into the next day, as this will only give an opportunity to the devil.
Paul uses the thief to illustrate how repentance impacts one's lifestyle. Repentance involves both stopping (negative) and starting (positive).
Bitterness.Bitterness and resentment are thus incompatible with Christian character and must be put away. People often are very careless with their speech (“slander”), even though the tongue can ignite a forest fire of harm to others.
Being kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving flows from constantly remembering that God first forgave us and that we need his forgiveness daily, as the Lord's Prayer reminds us: “forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors”.
Being kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving flows from constantly remembering that God first forgave us and that we need his forgiveness daily, as the Lord's Prayer reminds us: “forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors”.
God bless everyone!
Source:ESV Study Bible
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Life's Potholes by Van Walton
Precious friend, are you stuck in one of life's potholes? Don't despair. You're not alone. Jesus knows. You may feel damaged, broken, or rejected but there is a high calling, a greater purpose for your troubling experiences. One day you will comfort others in their afflictions. Your light will shine on another's dark and difficult path. And when you step into eternity you will receive the crown of life.
Father, God, I have fallen into a deep hole. I am damaged, broken, and feel rejected. Please use my circumstances to strengthen me and cause me to shine so others may see Your glory. In Jesus; Name I pray, Amen.
"Dear...sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow." James 1:2-3
Father, God, I have fallen into a deep hole. I am damaged, broken, and feel rejected. Please use my circumstances to strengthen me and cause me to shine so others may see Your glory. In Jesus; Name I pray, Amen.
"Dear...sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow." James 1:2-3
Saturday, March 27, 2010
New Chapter of my life
busy week and busy day but still it can't stop me to thank Him for what He has done in my life especially past two weeks.I attended Champion Gathering SPK SIB Kajang.Actually I didn't really expect big things to happen but God is great God!
I always wrote about myself of being hypocrite and pretending to look strong in front of others..But I can tell you during the CG that person was not really me..different person..that was the NEW NERNNY..the NEW NERNNY is:
-very strong
-she is not ashamed of what happen in her past and willing to open her heart for others and correction as well
-able to forgive her family and friends and even you!
-TURN OFF the Gossip channel in her life
-learn to respect others
-not "JAIM" hahahhaha JAIM-Jaga Image...love this.
That is the New Nernny i knew and yeah I am so proud of the New Nernny.for God has forgiven her and keeps no record of her wrongs..
Now..I can tell you the truth that THE NEW NERNNY IS ME!!!!! sometimes its hard but I know i cannot turn back anymore.I must continue what I have started.When I wake up every morning God reminds me again and again..YOU ARE THE NEW NERNNY..YOU ARE FORGIVEN AND NEVER DO AGAIN WHAT YOU HAVE DONE IN YOUR OLD NERNNY FOR I ALSO NEVER REMEMBER THAT..I really thank God that He gave me the opportunity to come back and He also do the same thing to you.He waited for me for 14years before I really turn to Him and trust Him that He can change my life.but yeah You...don't make Him waits for you like what I did..its better to do it now...before its too late then:)))
"Who am I, my Master God, and what is my family, that you have brought me to this place in life? But that's nothing compared to what's coming, for you've also spoken of my family far into the future, given me a glimpse into tomorrow, my Master God! What can I possibly say in the face of all this? You know me, Master God, just as I am. You've done all this not because of who I am but because of who you are—out of your very heart!—but you've let me in on it.
2 Samuel 7:18-21
God bless everyone!
busy week and busy day but still it can't stop me to thank Him for what He has done in my life especially past two weeks.I attended Champion Gathering SPK SIB Kajang.Actually I didn't really expect big things to happen but God is great God!
I always wrote about myself of being hypocrite and pretending to look strong in front of others..But I can tell you during the CG that person was not really me..different person..that was the NEW NERNNY..the NEW NERNNY is:
-very strong
-she is not ashamed of what happen in her past and willing to open her heart for others and correction as well
-able to forgive her family and friends and even you!
-TURN OFF the Gossip channel in her life
-learn to respect others
-not "JAIM" hahahhaha JAIM-Jaga Image...love this.
That is the New Nernny i knew and yeah I am so proud of the New Nernny.for God has forgiven her and keeps no record of her wrongs..
Now..I can tell you the truth that THE NEW NERNNY IS ME!!!!! sometimes its hard but I know i cannot turn back anymore.I must continue what I have started.When I wake up every morning God reminds me again and again..YOU ARE THE NEW NERNNY..YOU ARE FORGIVEN AND NEVER DO AGAIN WHAT YOU HAVE DONE IN YOUR OLD NERNNY FOR I ALSO NEVER REMEMBER THAT..I really thank God that He gave me the opportunity to come back and He also do the same thing to you.He waited for me for 14years before I really turn to Him and trust Him that He can change my life.but yeah You...don't make Him waits for you like what I did..its better to do it now...before its too late then:)))
"Who am I, my Master God, and what is my family, that you have brought me to this place in life? But that's nothing compared to what's coming, for you've also spoken of my family far into the future, given me a glimpse into tomorrow, my Master God! What can I possibly say in the face of all this? You know me, Master God, just as I am. You've done all this not because of who I am but because of who you are—out of your very heart!—but you've let me in on it.
2 Samuel 7:18-21
God bless everyone!
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