Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Yeah today is the last day of convocation day in my uni.
Big congrats to Chef, Joji, Rachel,Raymond,Alfera,Veron,Adelyn,Ben,Rofia,David,Vivian and the teachers:Moureen,Jess,Dexter,Adi and Lisa huhu.
wow I think 3 years passed like so fast bah..its like we just registered yesterday and now seeing my friends graduating..happy but at the same time so sad..they are leaving sob sob.

Well..I guess compared to other convocation in previous years, this year is the most special one (before mine next year la hahaha). Why? because my friends who entered the same intake as me graduating first than me.

I remembered during my first day in uni, that was the first time I met my roomate-Chef-where now she is not only a friend but good sister for me. Aku sayau ka nuan Chef hahaha! We shared many stuffs (except boyfriend lol)..and of course I am really glad to have my family in PERKEB. Here in PERKEB i get to know my sampat friend where we laugh-cry-bersampat-emo together haha. and every year we have our MUST TO DO during convocation-melambung PERKEBians yang graduate haha.When we "lambung-ing" the PERKEBians..it was soooo funny and so much fun seeing them screaming with funny expression-I think my favorite among all is Jess hahaha.

Being a student in uni not only mean you come to get your degree but as for me its a time where I really enjoyed my uni life with different types of friend-studying and serving God together. Really thank God for each one of them who He placed in my life during my uni (macam da grad pula haha).

So for me this convocation remind me of the friendship we had in PERKEB especially and the blessing God has given us especially those who just graduated. I am proud of you guys!

So Daddy..
Thank You for such wonderful convocation we had even though its raining session but we enjoyed it haha
Thanks for each of my PERKEB family and You faithfully be with them during their uni life and surely You will always with them
Thank You for my senior too..hahaha who always passed their notes to me
not forgotten for David from Chosen Treasure who drive all the way to Bangi to give the convocation gifts for PERKEBians haha
finally thank God for the PERKEB banner as well..Thanks to Bryan who manage to finish it on time hihi

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fellowship With DADDY

"The LORD desires our fellowship with Him more than our works and gifts for Him"

Yeah very true..thank You Daddy for reminding me about having fellowship with You. Seriously last week was so hard for me and many times I just can't stand
Last week was just so terrible I guess..
Until I reached the point where
I hate my self for being super busy and again became the headless chicken
I hate it when I don't even have my own time with Daddy
I hate it when I don't even have time for family, friends and course mates
and I told Daddy I can't handle them all anymore

Daddy never leave me alone really
and Daddy brought me to our Family Camp where it was just at the right time and right moment for me to get off from my busy world. Weekend in Broga really helps me to gain back my strength in God,helping me to just relaxing my self and at the same time refreshing my mind.

Family Camp PERKEB-Outbac Broga

 Really..I like especially during our morning devotion..sitting besides the pond..so beautiful! and that moment I had long conversation with Daddy especially about our relationship. The forgotten relationship ka? Ya exactly! I lost my mind and everything because I simply lost my relationship with Daddy!

My favorite place during devotion!

So during the Family Camp..many things crossed my mind-gentle reminder from DADDY about:
-Walking and journeying 24/7 with Daddy 
-Be wise in my time management
-Be responsible in my study (where I guess many times I failed) and also in serving Him
-Get to know someone as mentor and at the same time to mentor other people
-Be faithful in my preparation process to reach my calling-don't lost passion during the journey
and most importantly To enjoy God-Continually seek Him!
Not forgotten when Pr.Les shared about building Godly character..yeah this is what I learn these few days..

One step at a time
Be patient
Be faithful
Be a teachable person

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Whom do you seek?

Galatians 1:10
Am I now trying to win the approval of men or of God?
Or am I trying to please me?
If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Whom do you seek for approval?
Are you living your life for the approval and praise of people or of God?
God designed us to desire Him alone.
When we choose to live for Him, we will never be thirsty for attention because we will be hydrated in His love.

So now let me ask you again:
Whom do you seek today?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Not What I Want-But What Do You Want?

Mark 14:38 (MSG)
"Papa, Father-You can-can't You? Get Me out of this. Take this cup away from Me. But please, not what I want-what do You want?"

This is what Jesus said when He was in Gethsemane before His betrayal. I try to imagine Jesus' situation during that moment-it must very very hard until Jesus Himself asked our Abba Father if possible to take away that heaviness from Him. Yet..one thing that really amazed me was when at the end of it Jesus said this:
"But please, Not what I want-what do You want?

For me personally..especially when it comes to struggles,decision and even trial...it will never be easy to say the same thing like what Jesus did in Gethsemane. How many of us really have that courage to tell our Abba Father:
"Daddy..not what I want but what do You want- in my life and for my future?"
Me still in process of not only telling this to Daddy but also learn to trust and obey Him..its really hard.
I think this year is the hardest year for me compared to other years..maybe because this year I finally entrusted Daddy my future. and because of that many times I cried out before Him-asking His direction and guidance for the next step and the hardest part was when I can't see nothing nor hear anything from Him. During this period I always get tempted to just come back to my own planning but just at the right time Daddy will again remind me to continue trusting Him.

Similar but not the same?
I remembered last Friday after our PERKEB prayer meeting and PC while me and Chef on the way back to my hostel..suddenly she gave me one pencil case-exactly like mine but its wasn't mine! It was someone else that left at the lecture hall where we had our prayer meeting earlier. I just can't stop laughing at her even after she returned the pencil case.

From this very simple situation..Daddy suddenly remind me about similar but not the same-His planning vs my planning. It might be similar but not the same and Daddy wants exactly the same-not just similar.
Somehow I always think that my decision and action is what Daddy really wants me to do but when I sit and think again..I was wrong at some point where I let my own understanding and logic to take place my head and my heart. and without realizing that I drifted away from His plan.

I printed this: NOT WHAT I WANT BUT WHAT DO YOU WANT and put in my purse with some pictures (well visual person love to do this). Why? One of my way to remind myself everyday that everything I do in my life is not about me but its all about Him alone even though I don't understand.
Dare to move in His fully guidance in your life today? As what Sis Kim Cheng said during NC 2010,
"Our God is full with surprises"
Yes He is..as long as we continue to walk in His ways and hold fast to Him-you will never regret that yo have taken the way-to follow Him!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Important vs Unimportant

Hola October!
I have quite long To Do List this week with most assignments due date next week hahah and  it was such a big relief when  finally I am done with my First chapter today..ready to meet my supervisor hihi.
Procrastination? Intentional Delay?
Do I procrastinate? Hahah I have to admit yes I am but now especially this semester trying and trying hard to not to do it.

Why do people procrastinate actually?
It is because of bad time management or failure to set between what's important and what's unimportant as well as setting our priority.
Well..for me maybe because I take the second reason which is my own  failure to set between what's important and what's unimportant. Sometimes I will give more attention to what unimportant stuff rather to my important to do list and end up with last minute work.

Seriously this semester is quite relax for my class but not my responsibilities. Many things came up and sometimes I lost my mind..which one to do first argggh. There is moment when I feel stress and depressed . But yeah thanks to Chef and Isabela for the encouragement and of course-ALWAYS- DADDY who never fails to strengthens me :)
Sometimes I wish I am still in holiday and just relax my mind hahaha (dreaming)
But then Daddy always remind me of where am I now and things that I should do.
There is no more time for "rest" but really full swing with the spirit of excellence kan.

And as I sit and think back..the same things happen with our spiritual growth. Sometimes we still think that we still can play around without taking serious step knowing God-studying His Word and do what He ask to. That's why some people think its okay to not going church or finding God but rather go to other place or do something else especially on Sunday!
and now it reminds me of my bad dark days during my diploma hahha..I guess i was like those people who think it is unimportant to find God now.

Beloved, let us not be conformed to this world (Romans 12:2)- Now is the time-a time of really seeking His Kingdom. His time is around the corner although we might don't know the exact time of His second coming but as His Children let us always-be watchful all the time. So let us be wise with things we are doing these days...including where we invest our time and energy. Invest your time to things that worth for.

Help us to discern the difference between what's importand and what's unimportant and set our priorities in a way that is pleasing You. Obrigada Aman!"